Motto: “Life transformations come from integrating our spiritual side and our souls’ choices into the social plane.”
Cristiana Eltrayan works as a therapist, international holistic speaker and author. Additionally, she often travels for opening and maintaining energy portals along the planet, following the planetary energy lines and also the cosmic rhythms. These works are the result of the inner guidance that the author is receiving regarding these energy works. Her workshops and classes have as a main theme the energetic nourishment, the Taoist emotional intelligence and pranic methods of healing and recalibration, converging to the consciousness of unity. She combines the ancient knowledge with the modern scientific discoveries, to bring a complex and complete picture on the unlimited nature of the human potential.
Since 2009 she has been studying the Pranic nourishment (the possibility of being nourished by energy/chi/mana) and since 2013 she is offering lectures and classes on this subject. With her work of the Soul Healing Accademy, she has created several projects, including the Pranic Consciousness Summit , the Pranic Festival in Romania, the Pranic Festival in India, the Pranic Consciousness Process, the Energy in Harmony holistic educational program for children in schools and more than 14 charity and ecology campaigns called It’s Better with Love. She is a board member of the Global Pyramid Societies Movement, an organization teaching meditation worldwide, with 22000 pyramids built for meditation all across the globe, and peace ambassador at the Embassy of Peace.
She is now also practicing the Soul Healing – Holistic Therapy – which deals with the balance between body – mind-soul and deprogramming and reprogramming the energy field, and shares her experiences in books, workshops, classes and conferences. She is the author of 5 books, amongst which “The Pranic World Book”, which describes her experience with pranic communities and pranic processes.
Life Path
After having pursued and achieved professional success in management, she has oriented herself towards the self-balancing and spiritual development field, which she has studied and practiced for years with Yoga, qi-gong and other biofield practices that are meant to make us a purer channel for The Divine.
The Therapy Work
Cristiana Eltrayan’s therapy sessions – live or on Skype-address people who want a real change in their lives and are ready for it. You can start with the level that is bugging you the most (be it couple, family,career or sexuality) and eventually it all leads to a powerful evolution of the soul, through the therapy process.
During the session you discover exactly how you create you reality and how to shift the areas in your life that are not going well. You become conscious of your manifestation and learn to manifest the outcomes you desire, by being in harmony with the universal flow and with the people around you.
You learn what are the limiting patterns in your mind, but also the blockages in your auric field and body. You begin each session with an energy clearing and recalibration and leave each session with powerful tools and recipes to improve your thought patterns, emotional and physical harmony, including: mindfulness tips and exercises, aromatherapy remedies, herbal remedies, physical exercise recommendation (tailored for you), crystals and other remedies that you can use to maximize your potential.
Each healing session lasts for 1.30 to 3 hours.
She is applying the Soul Healing therapy for the following life aspects:
- Love/couple relationships – healing emotional trauma, managing internal/external conflicts
- Parent-children relationships – managing disagreements or disabilities
- Family relationships- understanding and accepting family roles
- Nutrition harmonization-finding the appropriate dietary lifestyle
- Career-choosing the right profession
- The relationship with oneself
- Spirituality
- Soul Healing therapy
- ThetaHealing practitioner
- Tao of Healing practitioner
- Yoga stretching practitioner
- Light and sound therapy
- Pranic feeding practitioner (vegan-fruitarian)
- Therapeutic dance practitioner (Sacred dance for healing)
- Angel therapy practitioner
- Practica Art therapy
- Over ten years I working with people in professions like:
- Soul Healing Therapist
- Creator of the volunteering project for children “Energy in Harmony” – held in schools – see the blog on Children relationship section
- General manager of her own events company
- Sales and marketing manager in event organizing field
Certificates & Trainings :
- Basic DNA & Advanced DNA Therapist Certificate la THINK –Theta Healing Institute of Knowledge
- Peace Ambassador la The Embassy of Peace (Holistic Training Organization)
- Personal Development Counsellor through the Education Ministry
- Honor Certificate as a Woman’s Accademy Specialist
- Nutrition Specialist through Education Ministry
- Peace Ambassadors Training la The Embassy of Peace 2014-2015
- Pranic Healing and Biofield Harmonization Training (Darkroom Retreat – Thailand) – 2013
- Holistic healing and energy bio-field programming training – „Biofield Technician – Biofield harmonization and programming, Mind – Self Empowerment Academy (Assisi Italy) 2013
- Theta Healing Basic and Advanced DNA Course – March – June 2012
- Holistic healing and energy bio-field programming training – Self Empowerment Academy – 2011
- Pranic Healing, Meditation, Nutrition, Mind Programming, Angelic Healing, Light Color Healing, Channeling, Personal and global energy healing – Self Empowerment Academy – 2010