As a meditator for over 42 years, and the lifetime President of the Global Congress of Spiritual Scientists – GCSS – in India, Jasmuheen also specializes in deep inner plane journeys using the alchemical meditative process...
You can watch the recorded interview by getting access below.
A second interview is coming up after April 15. Stay tuned! Should you not be online for the live, you can watch still the recording by getting access below.

Mantak Chia
Mantak Chia was born in Thailand to Chinese parents in 1944. While still a grammar school student he learned traditional Thai boxing. He was then taught Tai Chi Chuan and soon introduced him to Aikido, Yoga and broader levels of Tai Chi. Master Cheng Yao-Lun’s system combined Thai boxing and Kung Fu...
You can watch the recorded interview by getting access below.

Nassim Haramein
Nassim Haramein has spent over 30 years researching and discovering connections in physics, mathematics, geometry, cosmology, quantum mechanics, biology, chemistry, as well as anthropology and ancient civilizations...
The live meeting with Nassim Haramein is on March 29 2017, 8 pm EET/10 am PDT (check it your time zone). Should you not be online for the live, you can watch still the recording by getting access below.

Elitom El-Amin
Elitom El-Amin is a holistic practitioner, researcher, and author who have studied for over 10 years light synthesis and atmospheric changes in nature that sustains the human body for health and well being. Elitom demystifies the human photosynthesis process of living on light. He loves camping, biking, energy work, and martial arts...
You can watch the recorded interview by getting access below.

Victor Truviano
For more than 10 years, he is said to be living without eating and drinking. In other words, he doesn’t need to ingest something in order to live. That is only one of the freedoms that Victor has thanks to his state of consciousness, which every person has the potential to experience...
You can watch the recorded satsang by getting access below.

Oberom Aum
With his family, Oberom has researched and experienced the Pranic Consciousness since 2001 when they underwent the process of transformation to living on light (without the need of physical food)...
You can watch the recorded interview by getting access below. A new live streaming interview with Oberom is coming soon.

Erika Witthuhn
Erika is German and a professional translator. She speaks five languages and that is why she came to Brussels in 1963 to work in the European Union. Since she has still seen the second world war she never understood why people could kill other people and wanted to create peace and understanding among all human beings on earth...
You can watch the recorded interview by getting access below.

Ray Maor
Ray Maor is ”a guide for self mastery and a breatharian initiation.”* He has been living a Pranic Breatharian way of life for many years now. It is his goal to raise global consciousness and share his knowledge of claiming our full potential as human beings. This means recognizing and better understanding the illusion of the reality that is dependent on our beliefs...
You can watch the recorded interview by getting access below.

Daniel is a child nourished by prana/chi/energy, ever since he was a toddler. Daniel is just a "regular" kid who decided to ride this path with the highest vibration spreading happiness and joy wherever he goes. At the age of 1 year old, when it was the time to start eating solid foods, he refused to accept it...
The live streaming meeting with daniel is on Sunday, March 19, 8 pm EET. You can watch the live streaming or the recorded meeting by getting access below

Olga Podorovskaya
Since she was 18 years old she became interested in eastern culture and the search for enlightenment. For 20 years Olga visited Masters of the Tibetan and Indian traditions, Taoism, Zen. She spent several long solitary reclusions, devoting to practice of breathing and fasting...
You can watch the recorded interview by getting access below.

Camila Castillo
Being a Woman and Mother, living as a Pranic Breatharian for the past 8 years while sharing worldwide, Camilla sees the Pranic Consciousness from the perspective of the Universal Woman. For this reason, her path has led her to focus on Pranic Womanhood ~ the female body is the seed of our next generations and the beginning of a new humanity...
You can watch the recorded interview by getting access below.

Akahi & Camila
Akahi Salas has spent the past 13 years traveling around the world learning with illuminated Shamans and Masters. He is a healing arts expert and multifaceted artist. Broadcasted on radio and TV, he is also the a teacher on Breathwork Science, Breatharianism, the Pranic Living Transition and natural introspective healing programs, and therapies to access the neuro-cellular interconnections...
You can watch the recorded interview by getting access below.

Pascal Martelli
Pascal, born in 1981 in Switzerland has a foot in Energy Healing/Mediumship and another in science. With a PhD in neurophysics, he continues his research in altered state of consciousness (lucid dreams, trance and meditation)...
You can watch the recorded interview by getting access below.

Cristiana Eltrayan
For many years Cristiana Eltrayan has worked with people, as a holistic therapist and life coach. After having pursued and achieved professional success in management, she has oriented herself towards the self-balancing and spiritual development field, which she has studied and practiced for years with Yoga, qi-gong and other biofield practices that are meant to make us a purer channel for The Divine...
The live meeting with Cristiana Eltrayan is coming soon. Should you not be online for the live, you can watch the recording by getting access below.

Charles Muir
Charles Muir is considered the originator and Pioneer of the Modern Tantra Movement in the United States. In 1980, he originated the Tantra: The Art of Conscious Loving® format and many other inventive experiential exercises, which have become the cornerstones in the curriculum of most Tantra educators...
The live meeting with Charles Muir is coming soon. Should you not be online for the live, you can watch still the recording by getting access below.

Gabriel Lesquoy
Stress management specialist, Energy therapist, reflexologist and pranic nourishment specialist. Gabriel Lesquoy, born in 1967, is experiencing the pranic food since July 2012...
You can watch the recorded interview by getting access below.

Elisa and Nicolas Musajo
Elisa and Nicolas Musajo, mother and son, are part of a raw vegan family, starting this lifestyle many years ago for health and well being. The family includes 5 children from 11 to 22 years old,and they have all begun this lifestyle as a family and only consume raw or vegan foods.
Nicolas is an artist, motorcycle designer, model and bodybuilder, contest winner for several sports including Jiu jitsu, and Elisa runs an accounting company while also being a gymnast, as well as the whole family children.
The live streaming interview with Elisa and Nicolas is Tuesday, April 11, at 6 pm Bucharest time - EET (check it your time zone).
If you can’t join us for the live streaming, the recorded interview is posted on the video page that you receive after donation subscription.

Marco Missinato
Marco Missinato is an Artist and a Creative Communicator who uses the power of his heart inspired creativity (music, words and photography) to deliver supportive messages to people and to inspire others to dare into the voice of their heart and overcome the fears of limited beliefs and consequences.
Most importantly, he uses his heart inspired creativity also to produce musical experiences that support and facilitate the release of blocked emotions within us.
Marco Missinato feels that such emotional release is necessary and even mandatory for Humanity in order to be able to vibrationally continue its awakening process.
The live streaming interview with Marco is Wednesday, July 5, 2017 at 5 pm Bucharest time - EET (check it your time zone).
If you can’t join us for the live streaming, the recorded interview is posted on the video page that you receive after donation subscription.

Nicolas Pilartz
Nicolas Pilartz was born in 1971 in the city of Paris, in France. His has the british nationality, his father is German and his mother Italian. He got the information of Pranic Nourishment in 2012; today he dedicates himself to share and spread the information of what he became trough his transformation and his life as breatharian.

Gaston Bacchiani
Born in Argentina, living in Berlin since 2001. In 2013 his body asked him to upgrade to a more subtle nourishment system (Prana), since them he only drinks liquids.

Dr. David Jockers
Dr. David Jockers is a doctor of natural medicine, a functional nutritionist and corrective care chiropractor. He currently owns and operates Exodus Health Center in Kennesaw, Georgia.

Mira Omerzel
Mirit, PhD, the founder of the Slavic-Pythagorean School for the Development of Consciousness and Harmonisation with Sound – Veduna School, has permanently lived on cosmic food since August 2000...

Gerald Pollak
Gerald Pollack is the scientist who has discovered the 4'th phase of water, a possible explanation on why some people are able to be nourished by only energy, but also a solution for free energy in vehicles and devices...

Mary Rodwell
Mary Rodwell is the Founder and Principal of Australian Close Encounter Resource Network. (ACERN). Born in the United Kingdom (UK) and eventually migrating to Western Australia in 1991, she currently resides in Queensland...

Kirbi De Lanerolle
In 2012, through the revelation that “man shall not live on bread alone…” he accomplished the seemingly impossible feat of completing a half marathon without eating for 2 months, sustained only by the holy communion...

Uma Sankar Sunyogi
Uma Sankar Sunyogi has discovered a method of absorbing the sun’s cosmic energy through his eyes, removing the need to eat, drink or sleep...

Kay Hougaard
Kay, as he describes himself, is a "Healer, coach and developer of Mental Training Programs", living on prana since 2013 and offering innitiations on this theme.
He is the Author of “The Book on ADHD & ADD - Sensitive Children & Adults” and "The Book on Cancer"...

Leonard Orr
Leonard is the one who has brought to public attention immortals like Babaji and other masters in India said to have been living for over 2000 years.

Darrell Brann
Darrell is a classically trained musician and pranic, who turned to doing healing work in the late 1980′s. After studying Massage, Polarity, Biodynamic CranioSacrol Therapy, Cell Memory, Esoteric Healing, Ortho-Bionomy and a host of other energetic modalities, he had a Near Death Experience and...