Solstice & Christmas Retreat/Retreat de Craciun with Eltrayan& Team

  1. ♥(Traducere in romana mai jos)

Feel like joining your soul-family this Christmas? Like-minded people to share meditation, same lifestyle,profound conversations and soul-sharing with?

On 20-22nd/24th we invite you to bask into the loving energy flow of Christmas, in a beautiful mountain place in Romania, the place of the Pranic Festival in Romania.

We invite you to celebrate Winter Solstice & Christmas with us in a beautiful, holistic way, with meditation, happy soul sharing, good veg food and lots of prana. We’ll visit some of the most beautiful places in the Romanian mountains, we’ll pray/meditate in ancient temples and sacred sites and we’ll warm up with cinnamon apple drinks and prana love meditations in the warm cozy rooms of beautiful a beautiful mountain venue right next to an amazing glorious castle.

All activities have Romanian/English/French/Italian translation

Join us in this beautiful Christmas Retreat with  Eltrayan


We’ve created 2 slots  for you to join either or both in case you wish to also visit your family:

December 20th – 22nd/24th

The retreat is starting afternoon time 1 pm.

If you want a shorter time, let us know the number of days that you can attend (accommodation prices might vary accordingly).

Where? Sâmbăta de Sus & Iași Romania & ONLINE

December 20-22nd – Winter Solstice retreat in Sâmbăta de Sus 

December 22nd-24th – Christmas Retreat in Sâmbăta de Sus & Iași 

On December 24th we have the possibility of attending a beautiful Christmas Carols concert at one of the most beautiful concert location in Europe ( in Iași)

How to book:

Retreat fee:


December 20-22nd : 333E in double shared room / 387 E in single room

December 22nd-24th : 333E in double shared room / 387 E in single room

December 21-24th : 555E in double shared room / 615 E in single room ( concert not included- ticket cost 30 euro)

Book your place today with a payment of 167 euro at Paypal The rest of the amount is to be paid by December 20th. Accommodation in double shared room included.

This amount includes the retreat activities and the room. It does not include food and transportation. 

Our retreats are exclusively vegetarian/vegan 

The retreat fee is non refundable but we can move some of it for other retreats or classes,if you can’t make it


The retreat fee for online is 333 euro

It includes daily meditations with  Eltrayan & Team

For questions contact


Vrei sa petreci Solstițiul de Iarna și Ajunul cu oameni frumosi, cu un stil de viata similar cu al tau, cu care sa impartasesti meditatii si momente de suflet, discutii profunde si comuniune de la suflet la suflet?

Te invitam sa te delectezi in energia iubitoare a Craciunului, intr-un loc frumos din Romania, la locația Festivalului Pranic din Romania. Te invitam sa sarbatoresti Solstițiul și Ajunul cu noi intr-un mod holistic, cu meditatie, comuniune a sufletelor, hrana vegetariana delicioasa si multa prana. Vizitam unele dintre cele mai frumoase locuri din Romania, ne rugam /meditam in temple antice si locuri sacre si ne incalzim inimile cu meditatii pline de iubire si bautura calda cu mar si scortisoara, in camerele calde si primitoare ale unei vile montane frumoase.

Toate activitatile au traducere in romana/engleza/franceza/italiana.

Vrei sa fii alaturi de o “familie de suflet” de Craciun?

Alatura-te noua in acest Retreat de Craciun cu  Eltrayan


Am creat 2 variante de retreat, din 20 in 22 Decembrie sau din 21 in 24 Decembrie, daca vrei sa petreci ajunul cu noi. Poti sa participi la oricare dintre ele sau la ambele. Incepem in jur de ora 1 pm.

Daca vrei sa participi pe o perioada mai scurta, scrie-ne si anunta-ne cate zile poti participa(pretul cazarii poate varia in functie de asta).

Unde? Sâmbăta de Sus Romania

Cum iti rezervi locul?

Contributie pt retreat:

Partea 1- din 20 in 22 Dec: Solstițiul la Sâmbăta de Sus -333E in camera dubla (cu un coleg/colega) / 387 E in camera single

Partea 2- din 22 in 24 Decembrie: – Ajunul la Sâmbăta de Sus și Iași – 333E in camera dubla (cu un coleg/colega) / 387 E in camera single. In seara de 24 Decembrie puteți participa la un concert superb de colinde Stefan Hrușcă la unul dintre cele mai frumoase teatre din Europa( in Iași)

Pentru participare la ambele parti(partea 1+partea 2 – din 21 in 24 Decembrie) se achita 555Euro in camera dubla shared sau 615 Euro in camera single

Rezerva-ti locul trimitand suma de 167 E la paypal Diferenta se achita pana la 20 decembrie

Aceasta suma include si cazarea in camera dubla cu o alta persoana.

Aceasta suma include cazarea si activitatile din retreat cu  Eltrayan. Nu include transportul, concertul si mancarea.

Retreaturile noastre sunt exclusiv vegetariene/vegane

Suma aferenta retreatului este nerambursabila dar se poate muta parțial pentru alte retreaturi/cursuri,daca nu puteți ajunge

Pentru intrebari contactati




Romanian Sphinx Activation Retreat with Cristiana Eltrayan


On November 28th we celebrate the Romanian Sphinx Day, the day where special phenomena are happening on Bucegi Plateau due to the powerful activation of the Sphinx. Come join us live on a journey to learn and feel more about this amazing megalithic structure and it’s mesmerizing secrets, with Cristiana Eltrayan & Team

During this retreat you learn:
– the true story and attributes of the Romanian Sphinx
– How to feel energy and work with it
– how to activate and be activated by the vortex of the Sphinx
-how to work with energy vortexes and sacred sites
– how to get in touch with ancient and alien civilizations
– how to stay grounded during the process

The activities are:

November 28th-December 1st:

November 28th – Visit to the Sphinx (if weather allows) on the occasion of the Sphinx Day and meditation on integration and support of new projects and spiritual integrations; if the weather is not supportive for going up on the mountain, we can celebrate at the base of the mountain and connect with the Sphinx energy in meditation

Evening – sound healing workshop with the chakra bowls and the Compassion healing bowl

For those wanting to go home after the Sphinx meditation, that is possible but not recommended. We recommend integrating the energies for one more night before going home

November 29th – Morning meditation, juice or water fasting/veg meals, healing techniques, chi kung, light beings contact & light language transmission + visit to local sacred sites near the Romanian Sphinx (in the mountains close to Brasov – possibly Amfiteatrul Transilvania or the castles and sacred sites near Busteni – according to weather) & Intergration Game in the evening.

November 30th 

We visit the local castles to feel the pulse of the National Celebration and tune into the ancient civilizations of Romania 

We meditate to connect with the ancient traditions and gate keepers of the land

We look to find our local but also interstellar origins

December 1st – Morning meditation, juice or water fasting,  healing techniques, chi kung. Checkout at 12 then veg lunch/juices ad a nice local place for those who don’t need to go right away

For November 28th-December 1st the cost is 444 E (in double shared room/ 504 E in single room

 (1 Day retreat Nov. 28) the cost is 111 E+ accommodation (136 E including double shared room/161 euro including single room)

For accommodation during the day off (November 27th/ December 1st) the cost is 30 euro in double shared room (if available) / 60 euro in single room

About Cristiana Eltrayan:

Cristiana Eltrayan works as a therapist, international holistic speaker and author. Additionally, she often travels for opening and maintaining energy portals along the planet, following the planetary energy lines and also the cosmic rhythms. These works are the result of the inner guidance that the author is receiving regarding these energy works. Her workshops and classes have as a main theme the energetic nourishment, the Taoist emotional intelligence and pranic methods of healing and recalibration, converging to the consciousness of unity. She combines the ancient knowledge with the modern scientific discoveries, to bring a complex and complete picture on the unlimited nature of the human potential.
Since 2009 she has been studying the Pranic nourishment (the possibility of being nourished by energy/chi/mana) and since 2013 she is offering lectures and classes on this subject. With her work of the Soul Healing Accademy, she has created several projects, including the Pranic Consciousness Summit , the Pranic Festival in Romania, the Pranic Festival in India, the Pranic Consciousness Process, the Energy in Harmony holistic educational program for children in schools and more than 14 charity and ecology campaigns called It’s Better with Love. She is a board member of the Global Pyramid Societies Movement, an organization teaching meditation worldwide, with 22000 pyramids built for meditation all across the globe, and peace ambassador at the Embassy of Peace.
She is now also practicing the Soul Healing – Holistic Therapy – which deals with the balance between body – mind-soul and deprogramming and reprogramming the energy field, and shares her experiences in books, workshops, classes and conferences. She is the author of 5 books, amongst which “The Pranic World Book”, which describes her experience with pranic communities and pranic processes.



To participate please send the retreat fee to either Paypal or bank account*

*if you don’t have Paypal please email and we send you other payment options

Book your place by November 21st as rooms and retreat capacity are booking quickly

The retreat costs include:

  •  accomodation*
  • daily meditation and portal connecting exercises with Cristiana Eltrayan – Holistic Therapist, Speaker & Author;
  • energizing moments in highly vibrational places;
  • full translated English and Romanian guidance about all the places we visit (should there be visitors from other countries we’ll see how we manage translations; our guide is able to also provide guidance in French and Italian)
  • room bookings and management


  • creating and maintaining a field of harmony, purity and healing to all the places we go to;
  • energy work with all the hosts and people involved for a general harmonious experience
  • energy work for each participant – form the moment for booking the place – to harmonize with the retreat, the participants and the places we go to (it might result in healing, chakra harmonizing, diet changes)
  • energetically preparing the road, the transportation and the meetings between participants
  • subtle energy work with each participant, during the retreat and beyond for personal healing, group integration, harmonization with the sacred sites we visit and integrating certain aspects in the present or other lifetimes
  • working with the local guides, gatekeepers and light beings that are guarding the places and the group
  • maintaining a field of high consciousness to receive the guidance and the right rhythm of the retreat
  • monitoring and (if allowed) adjusting the energy fields and the weather of the places we go to

* Depending on the group type and accommodation type, the food management is up to you. Both retreats recommend light liquid meals(juices, smoothies, teas and soups). If necessary you can have vegan food, no meat

** Transportation is not included, according to the number of participants we will rent cars and share transportation costs between participants. 

 The retreat contribution does not include : 

– Transportation to the Romanian (access there is subjected to weather that can change anytime)

– meals and beverages during your stay


Make sure you bring comfortable and also warm winter clothes, hiking shoes and gloves + cap, as the weather can get really cold. The trip might include 2 to 3 h of walks/mild hiking, so make sure your health and tonus are up to that.

All our retreats are vegetarian/vegan. Even if your not vegetarian on daily basis, we recommend taking a few days off meat while you come with us


To participate online to the sessions and meditations with Cristiana Eltrayan, please send 111 E to either Paypal or bank account*

*if you don’t have Paypal please email and we send you other payment options

After confirming your participation you’ll receive a zoom link where you can join all online activities and meditations on November 28th  – 7 pm Bucharest time and November 28 th – 10 am Bucharest time**

**schedule is subject to change according to our travelling hours

All retreats are non refundable, but transferrable to other events, online or live


Mary Magdalene Retreat – South of France- November 3rd -4th

We are inviting you to this beautiful Mary Magdalene Retreat in South of France! (English,French, Italian and Romanian translation available during the retreat).

We are visiting some of the most beautiful places where Mary Magdalene and other fabulous feminine energies are dwelling. We relearn the pre-Christian knowledge and wisdom of the Essenes, the Cathars & more, ancient pre-Christian traditions that knew the art of harmony and energy work.
The retreat is a beautiful opportunity to meet like-minded people and have some soul talk, as well as feminine-masculine balancing, as we work with the energies of the Magdalene, the fabulous priestess of the sacred feminine love and Divine Feminine (men also welcomed).

The Mary Magdalene Retreat is on November 3rd & 4th in the area where the cave of Mary Magdalene is holding the beautiful frequency of this powerful Goddess .

We visit the cave, the surrounding area and the beautiful hills and forests.
We have meditation and morning Chi Kung included in the schedule, for better attunement and healing.
We are visiting some of the most beautiful places where Mary Magdalene and other fabulous feminine energies are dwelling.
The gathering is enriched with meditation, ancient teachings, spiritual talks and much more.
The visitation of Mary Magdalene’s cave and surroundings ends November 3rd. We enjoy more in South of France on November 4th by visiting Grasse, the famous international capital of perfumery, with its picturesque streets and fabulous flavors, to enhance our feminine and beauty energies and also Monte Carlo  and Monaco, the beautiful area of Princess Grace where many energy vortexes are hidden in fabulous gardens and luxurious areas. There we can shop for souvenirs and local boutique perfumes, get in touch with the luscious local energy of beauty and French refinement, taste the delicious local cuisine and enjoy marvellous gardens and castles.
We end our trip in Nice, enjoying the beauty of the city and preparing for flights on November 5th.
Attendance fee for 1 day (November 3rd- Day trip to Mary Magdalene’s cave & surroundings with powerful meditation with Eltrayan):   is 111 Euros if you have a place to sleep or 222 E * if you need accommodation
Attendance fee for the 2 days retreat at the cave& Grasse+ Nice  is 222 Euros if you have a place to sleep 333 E * if you need accommodation ( room is booked November 3rd to 4th.
For extra days an extra cost is added depending on the hotel’s availability)
To confirm participation and book your place send 50% of this amount at Paypal, by  October 15th. The rest of the amount is to be sent by October 30th
(If you don’t prefer PayPal, write to us at ad we send you bank details).
Children are welcomed to this retreat. Free entrance for children below 12.
50% for children and adolescents up to 18.
Stay tuned and contact for details.
*The attendance fee includes:
 – participation to the workshops, journeys and all activities during the retreat
 – accommodation in shared double shared room ** (for single room a supplement of 50 euro/day applies)
 – meditations and guidance with Eltrayan
 – guidance in English, French, Italian and Romanian at the sacred sites and historical places.
  – transportation to all sites (from Nice and back); should you come from another city directly to Nice, you can come with us using your own car or our transportation).
More about Eltrayan:

Cristiana Eltrayan, facilitator of the course, traveled throughout the world attending workshops and conferences on the subject, studied and practiced the methods of feeding and healing with light in the last 9 years and created several information and education projects on the subject : Pranic Consciousness Summit, an online platform where over 45 specialists in the field hold conferences on pranic nutrition; Pranic Festival in Romania, a meeting of the 8th edition that co-opted speakers from all over the world who specialize in this practice, The Pranic Festival in India, the Pranic Festival Online, The Pranic Consciousness Summit and the Darkroom Retreat and The Pranic World Book, explaining their own experiences and research on the subject.
Currently, Cristiana holds conferences and therapeutic sessions on prana nourishment and healing in several countries around the world and is helping people interested in understanding this paradigm. See her full biography here.

More about the retreat place:

Even though Mary Magdalene has been given the reputation of having been a repentant prostitute or loose woman, these claims are not supported by the canonical gospels where the sinner is actually unnamed and there’s not a clear reference to Mary Magdalene.

The legend said that after her group  arrived in France by boat, Mary settled in a cave in the mountain – which was difficult to access – where she lived for 30 years until she died. Since the 5th century, pilgrims from all around the world gather here to pray her and honor what’s believed to be some of her remains: a bone and a tress, kept in what it is now a Dominican convent constructed in 1279 into the cave. There we find a shrine and see a sarcophagus made of marble that was proclaimed to be the tomb of Mary Magdalene. The 1st century tomb was uncovered in the year 1279 during excavations of the crypt beneath a small church in France. The leader of the excavation was Charles II, the Count of Provence, who claimed he was spurred to do so by a dream in which Saint Mary Magdalene appeared to him.They say that a “wonderful and very sweet smell” was noted by people there when the sarcophagus was opened. They believed the smell was symbolic of the perfume Mary Magdalene poured on Jesus’/Emmanuel’s feet before his death. Upon discovery of the tomb, Charles II built a grand basilica in place of the old church

How to get there:
We meet on November 3rd at 12 pm in Nimes and from there we go by cars/shuttle to the grotto of Mary Magdalene and the surroundings.
If your’re flying in: Book a flight to Nice or Montpellier Airport and meet us in Nice on November 3rd, at 12 pm. We recommend booking the flight and a hotel in Nimes for November 2nd to be able to rest in Nice or Nimes*  before the trip .
If you’re arriving by train/car/bus: The meeting place will be announced closer to the event.
*Optional good bye lunch  in Nice on November 4th to meet the grup and dine together at a beautiful vegan  local restaurant. Your participation and culinary choices are optional and not included in the retreat fee.
Lunch / Dinner extra cost:  35 E/each (70 E in total;  you can opt for either or both)
Write to us at or WatsApp +40746165813 to get more details about the meeting place (to be announced after November 2nd).
The retreat tuition is non refundable but is transferable to other events or online classes

Pranic Festival Online – Planetary Energy Upgrade


We’re starting the Pranic Festival Online – an online series of live streamed talks with some of the most beautiful pranic people on the planet, some nourished by light/chi /prana for more than 20 years and with a vast experience in energy work. Starting on February  29th 2023,  you can watch your favorite speakers on our channel: Elitom El-amin, Galina El-Sharas, Gaston Bacchiani, Cristiana Eltrayan, Tian Ying  and Pascal Martelli have already confirmed participation. We’re daily upgrading the speakers list.

A project meant to uplift the planetary consciousness and take us to the new level!


LIVE STREAMING ACCESS: Subscribe here to stay tuned or join our watsapp group here. The subscription gives you free access to live streaming and keeps you informed about who’s coming next and which conferences are live. You can watch all conferences in live streaming for free for 24 h!


* indicates required

Keep an eye of our Facebook Page to stay up to date and see who’s coming next.


If you can’t be online, we record it all on video.

The access to the video conferences is as follows:

FOR ONE SPECIFIC RECORDING:  25E/recording of the conference for 24 h


 FOR THE WHOLE FESTIVAL: 99 E/ LIVE access + Full Festival in video package lifetime access (if you can’t be online you get all the recordings for lifetime).

You can use paypal to get access to The video version of the Pranic Festival Online. Select “pay to friends and family” and make sure you write the name of the conference in the specifications of the payment.

If you don’t use paypal write to us for alternative payment methods

Write to us at in for questions or queries . You can also contact us on WatsApp +40746165813


Markus Witte

Formerly German and electrical engineer, today a countryless walker and observer. He demystifies our idea of nutrition based on his own experience, going beyond everything we understand as conventional. Devoid of beliefs, he began observing the world and his person more than 15 years ago. In his book shows you a part of his experience and how to release your eternal BEING.

Cristiana Eltrayan 

Cristiana Eltrayan works as a therapist, international holistic speaker and author. Additionally, she often travels for opening and maintaining energy portals along the planet, following the planetary energy lines and also the cosmic rhythms. These works are the result of the inner guidance that the author is receiving. Her workshops and classes have as a main theme the energetic nourishment, the Taoist emotional intelligence and pranic methods of healing and recalibration, converging to the consciousness of unity.  She combines the ancient knowledge with the modern scientific discoveries, to bring a complex and complete picture on the unlimited nature of the human potential.  Since 2009 she has been studying the Pranic nourishment (the possibility of being nourished by energy/chi/mana) and since 2013 she is offering lectures and classes on this subject. With her work of the Soul Healing Accademy, she has created several projects, including the Pranic Consciousness Summit , the Pranic Festival in Romania, the Pranic Consciousness Process, the Energy in Harmony holistic educational program for children in schools and more than 14 charity and ecology campaigns called It’s Better with Love . She is now also practicing the Soul Healing – Holistic Therapy – which deals with the balance between body – mind-soul and deprogramming and reprogramming the energy field, and shares her experiences in books, workshops, classes and conferences. She is the author of  5 books, amongst which The Pranic World Book, which  describes her experience with pranic communities and pranic processes.

Swami Naranand

Shaktipat is the blessing of awakening. It opens your consciousness to all that is. It takes you in an inward journey that slowly awakens you to what we all have within; infinite peace, unconditional love and joy, and a higher/deeper level of consciousness. This journey of self discovery starts with this blessing, but slowly unfolds outwards into all areas of your life, so you can find more joy and peace in every area of your life.your awakened consciousness starts to move through your body and energetic system and starts to remove all that stands in the way of you knowing your true self. All your consitionsing and memories that prevent you from enjoying life exactly as it is will be removed, in the perfect way for you.

Galina El-Sharas

Galina El-Sharas is participating to the Pranic Festival Online, joining us to share her wisdom on pranic love and quantum knowledge.
Galina El-Sharas, is nourished by prana since 2009, when she transitioned to this type of nourishment through a spontaneous process.
She is a healer, researcher, teacher of meditation, creator of more than 10 different workshops on healing and pranic nourishment. Galina opens hearts in resonance with the vibrations of the Universe, teaches breathing Love. She conducts many seminars, webinars, retreats, and has experience of practical processes to facilitate the transition to Prana.
Conference + Meditation – theme: “Heart – Portal to Pranic Reality”.
Practice: Transitioning into the 5th dimension through the Heart
Elitom El-Amin

Elitom El-Amin is a holistic practitioner, researcher, and author who has studied for over 10 years light synthesis and atmospheric changes in nature that sustains the human body for health and well being. Elitom demystifies the human photosynthesis process of living on light. He loves camping, biking, energy work, and martial arts.He is the author of two books: It’s Okay to be Healthy and Human Photosynthesis 101

Gaston Bacchiani

Born in Argentina, living in Berlin since 2001. In 2013 his body asked him to upgrade to a more subtle nourishment system (Prana), since them he only drinks liquids.This enabled him to obtain more clarity, more freedom, inner peace and on a physical level, he got many German sports golden medals for the years 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017. Moreover, his liquidarian life also enables him to run half marathons, olympic triathlons and to practice acrobatics. Today, Gastón proposes a new paradigm for the expansion of consciousness: “Sharing Clarity”.This method consists on observing our own emotions in a conscious manner, so that they can be integrated with awareness, increasing our inner space. He shares his personal experience in several countries in Spanish, German and English.

Freddy Weaver – Tantranova
Elsbeth & Freddy at Tantranova have assisted thousands of couples and singles create lasting intimacy and fulfillment in their life and relationships. They are featured on Showtime’s documentary series Sexual Healing and the Emmy Award-winning NBC show Starting Over, best-selling authors of Sexual Enlightenment endorsed by world-renowned Spiritual Pioneer Dr. Michael Beckwith, and the co-founders of TantraNova Institute in Chicago.
They have coached billionaires, innovators and power couples all over the world, shared their intimacy secrets at a global YPO (Young Presidents Organization) conference in the city of love, Paris, and got nominated as Changemaker at the White House sponsored 2016 United State of Women Summit in Washington, D.C.

Pascal Martelli

Pascal, born in 1981 in Switzerland has a foot in Energy Healing/Mediumship and another in science. With a PhD in neurophysics, he continues his research in altered state of consciousness (lucid dreams, trance and meditation).

He is also a therapist giving Spiritual healing and guidance. His goal is to create bridges between the invisible and the visible world!

Racki Chari
Rakhi Chari grew up in San Francisco. Growing up in this eclectic environment, she developed a keen awareness of her food intake from a young age. Eventually, embracing a vegetarian lifestyle.
In 2000, Rakhi discovered the transformative power of yoga, a practice that would become an integral part of her life. By 2008, she had become a certified yoga teacher, sharing her passion for holistic well-being with others.
During her journey along the yogic path, Rakhi’s curiosity led her to explore the concept of breatharianism. Intrigued by the idea of nourishing the body solely through the breath and pranic energy, she embarked on a quest for knowledge. In August 2018, Rakhi participated in Ray Maor’s transformative retreat, an experience that solidified her commitment to the breatharian lifestyle.
Since then, Rakhi has yet to consume any solid food. She has embraced the breatharian lifestyle, experiencing firsthand the profound benefits of this way of life. With a deep desire to share her journey and inspire others, she established her YouTube channel, “Breatharian Yogini,” where she documents her experiences, insights, and the challenges she faces along the way.
Through her platform, Rakhi is a beacon of light for those seeking to explore alternative paths to spiritual growth and holistic well-being. With compassion and authenticity, she shares her wisdom, guiding others on their journeys toward self-discovery and alignment with the frequencies of the universe.
Rakhi Chari, known to many as the Breatharian Yogini, continues to illuminate the path for those drawn to the transformative power of pranic nourishment. Her journey is a testament to the boundless potential within us, inspiring others to embrace their true essence and live in harmony with the cosmic energies surrounding us.


Nicolas Pilartz 
Nicolas has completed his Breatharian initiation after his first 21 day Process in 12/21/2012. Nowadays after years of practicing the Pranic living lifestyle and experiencing how to expand the higher consciousness, he is now consuming an average of one meal a week. Nicolas lives currently in Italy, where he created a natural space for a natural and sustainable living. He opened Eden Pranic Center, a place where people can come and enjoy Pranic living. His lifestyle involves feeding on light, but also semi-nomadism and gift economy, all this with the purpose of a joyful sustainable living. Nicolas coordinates and promotes the famous Pranic World Festival, the biggest Breatharian gathering on the Planet, happening every year since 2015 in Europe. His Breatharian lifestyle has obtained attention by medias and Italian national TV channels, he is regularly invited to share his experience and his knowledge during popular Talk Shows, that are followed by millions of people watching him. Nicolas brings the new paradigm of Pranic Living to its manisfestation, humanity is naturally led towards Breatharianism, the next evolutionary step for having good health, peace and joy.
More speakers will be updated here as we have their timezone confirmation 








In person & Online

We invite you to this wonderful event that facilitates cosmic contact and understanding pivotal messages for the evolution of humanity, cosmic messages channeled in Romania ever since 1994

LIFE ON GAIA is a book that sums up all these messages gathered from cosmic teams that have supervized and helped Romania and humanity for thousands of years

During the event we receive cosmic messages from the book, we discuss the concept of divine guidance, channeling and cosmic contact and we experience directly all of the above and more

The cosmic teams that have streamed throughout the book are sharing messages on

– how to detox and upgrade your physical body through nutrition, exercise and other methods

– how to purify, tame and wisely utilize your mind

– how to master your emotions

– how to better use and be energized by your own sexual energy

– how to have better relationships

– how to be successful – both socially and spiritually, as one does not exclude the other

-…and so much  more

The event consists of two parts:

Part I: Book launch + question and answer session with Eltrayan & surprise guests

Part II: Celebration workshop – Meditation & sound healing with Eltrayan & Team

Confirmation of participation and reservation of the place is done on watsapp +40746165813

Confirmation is required to have a seat in the event room or the online link
After confirmation, you can be included in a group to share the transport with other people, if you need a car For those who cannot make it, you can participate online Pre-order the book at

Here is the schedule of book launches of LIFE ON GAIA in January-February ’24:         
13.1.24 -3.00 pm – Bucharest
15.1.24 – 6 pm – Brasov

20.1.24 – 3 pm Piatra Neamt
21.1 – 6 pm – Iasi
23.1- 6.30 pm Galati

26.1 – 6 pm – Cluj
27.1 – 3 pm Mediaș
28.1 – 3 pm – Sibiu

11.2- 11 am – Constanta

We are looking for the following venues: Galați, Piatra Neamț, Sibiu and Cluj

If you have good ideas write me on watsapp or email

Share this event with your friends:

Book excerpt: “Tobias’s message to Romania – from Life on Gaia – IIIrd edition: “Some of the groups that left Atlantis headed for South America; others, on ships, went west to the Hawaiian Islands; others to Europe and the Middle East.   Some of you have absorbed the energies of these legends very well, because you were there at the time and made the journey, especially heading for Iraq and the Middle East. One of the first areas where the former Atlanteans settled is Romania. There are many who claim that the cradle of modern civilisation is in present-day Egypt or Iraq, but archaeologists have shown that there are older traces than Egypt and Iraq right here in this area. The cradle of modern civilization is therefore more than 700 miles higher than is believed, in this place where so many energy crystals have been discovered…; these are connections that we make with the Earth and the crystals that are in these mountains and deep under the waters of Romania.   The area of Romania is one of the few areas of balance on Earth and it is also the area where the energy lines intersect; this area creates the boundary that separates what we commonly call East and West. It is precisely because of these intersecting energy lines and the crystals that lie in the earth that Romania has been and always will be an area of great transformations. This is also why this land has had many enemies who wanted to conquer it. That is why, politically speaking, Romania has been part of the Eastern and Western parts of the world. That is why we could say that Romania is a very ‘critical’ area, a zone of balance. Because of the problems that have occurred here over the years, we can feel a weakening of energy power compared to when the Atlanticists came here.  All those who have come with hostile thoughts have captured something of the energy and power of this land, of its heart and soul; what is left, energetically, in the soul of this land, is related to the suffering due to human losses here. It is time to change these things.   Even the Atlanteans knew how important this land was and that was the reason they settled here; they understood the implications of the changes that would happen, even long after them.   The direct link that this earth has, in time and space, with the other dimensions is waiting to be discovered. There is a very old connection in time and space that has implications for what we are doing here today that will directly affect you, both Earth and the other energy levels (in other dimensions). If you allow these forces to pass through you this day, you are allowing them to change this place and the others that are connected to it.   I could say that Romania contains the Consciousness of the South and the North, which is equivalent to the Consciousness of all Humanity. Your and Romania’s Consciousness is as important as the Consciousness of the Self-Worth of all Humanity. We could say that you hold the balance of the Self (Consciousness) of all Humanity. People’s will has a vibration, and you are now gathering the vibration of all people on Earth and “measuring” the fact that the will has a certain share in the vibration, and its balance is maintained here in Romania. You are not creating vibrations for others, you are the ones who keep the balance of their vibrations; this may be surprising information, but I will work with you on all levels.  As the Self (consciousness) changes within humanity, you will see this reflected in Romania, for you hold this overall Self consciousness. That is why there are so many crystals and crystalline structures in the mountains of this earth, because they must support this effect. The crystals have their role, just as you humans have your role.   You have an enormous responsibility, in that you are the holders of the essence of Self (consciousness) on Earth, and you are also the ones who reflect the changes of humanity.   You are valuable enough to be here and valuable enough to allow the Divine to come down among you. You are allowing these energies to pass through you today and through your change, you are allowing people in other corners of the world to access this change and to realize their importance as humans!   What you are doing here in Romania is keeping the Self of humanity in balance, which is a direct reflection of the Self of the people!   As I said, the changes that are taking place here, in the people around you, in your country, are the changes that are now happening all over the world.  Look at how strategic your country’s position is and how all external forces have tried to take something away from here but yet Romania’s Consciousness has remained at its own value!   Many of the changes will be in education, industry and the arts. All the energies inherited from Romania will help the new energies to move and will stimulate the changes – everything that is external influences, everything to do with art, everything that is spiritually based will be subject to change and this is because you have a natural gift for everything occult, for channeling, for psychology and you have many clairvoyants among you. You have a natural gift to bring about energetic changes and to teach others to do it, and these natural gifts have been suppressed for a very long time. It is as if a thick heavy cloud has covered you and made you forget who you really are, made you forget the foundations laid here by the Atlanteans.   As you make these changes here, through yourself, you will affect the balance in other parts of the Universe, so that balance will change and release the energy that has been blocked for so long.   As you change your vibration of Self, you allow these changes to happen for others. Remember that you are the trailblazer and that is because you are in a place that holds the balance of these vibrations!”. ” The Galactic Federation’s message to Earth – the book “Life on Gaia” – republished by Cristiana Eltrayan & Mission Romania.

Pre-order at 

În persoană și online

Vă invităm la acest eveniment minunat care facilitează contactul cosmic și înțelegerea mesajelor importante pentru evoluția omenirii, mesaje cosmice canalizate în România încă din 1994

VIAȚA PE GEEA este o carte care însumează toate aceste mesaje adunate de la echipele cosmice care au supravegheat și au ajutat România și omenirea de mii de ani

În timpul evenimentului primim mesaje cosmice din carte, discutăm despre conceptul de ghidare divină, channeling și contact cosmic și experimentăm direct toate cele de mai sus și nu numai


13.1.24 -3.00 pm – București
15.1.24 – ora 6 pm – Brasov

20.1.24 – 3 pm Piatra Neamt
21.1 – 6 pm – IasI
23.1.24 – 12 pm – Galati

26.1 – 6 pm – Cluj
27.1 – 3 pm – Medias
28.1 – 3 pm – Sibiu

11.2.24 – 11 pm – Constanta

Echipele cosmice care au transmis de-a lungul cărții împărtășesc mesaje pe

– cum să vă detoxifiați și să vă îmbunătățiți corpul fizic prin nutriție, exerciții fizice și alte metode

– cum să-ți purifici, să-ți îmblânzești și să-ți folosești cu înțelepciune mintea

– cum să-ți stăpânești emoțiile

– cum să îți folosești mai bine și să fii energizat de propria energie sexuală

– cum să ai relații mai bune

– cum să ai succes – atât din punct de vedere social, cât și spiritual, întrucât una nu o exclude pe cealaltă

-…și multe altele

Evenimentul este format din două părți:

Partea I: Lansare de carte + sesiune de intrebari si raspunsuri cu Eltrayan & invitati surpriza

Partea II: Workshop cu donatie – Meditatie & sound healing cu Eltrayan & Team

Aici înscrieri pt online & live

Confirmarea participarii și rezervarea locului se face pe watsapp +40746165813. Este necesar să confirmați pentru a avea loc în sala
In urma confirmării puteți fi incluși într-un grup pentru a împărți transportul cu alte persoane,daca aveți nevoie de mașină

Pentru cei ce nu pot ajunge,se poate participa online

Precomanda cartea la

Eveniment moderat de Eltrayan & Team


“Acum 25 de ani a apărut la Editura Solteris din România, în 7000 de exemplare, lucrarea ”VIAȚA PE GEEA – carte apel a Confederației Galactice către Civilizația Terestră transmisă prin Misiunea România”. Ineditul acestei lucrări îl reprezintă, pe de o parte, adresarea directă a unei Confederații Galacice către pământeni și, pe de altă parte, nominalizarea României drept adresă.

Bogăția de informații și altruismul acestor mesaje întrece orice imaginație science-fiction și a ajutat mulți oameni din Zona Românească să se trezească. Se mai precizează că această zonă cuprinde preponderent teritoriul României de astăzi dar și unele zone limitrofe, după cum ni se transmite și prin hărțile alăturate.

De asemenea, că navele Confederației Galactice pot fi observate pe cer senin deasupra României sub forma unor stele aflate în mișcări discontinue, pe care noi le-am identificat când eram în tabere în Munții Rarău din Nordul Moldovei (vezi și relatarea din pagina 326). Că în limbaj universal planeta noatră se cheamă Geea, Soarele nostru se cheamă Ra, civilizația actuală a Geei se numește Kamor în sistemul Phydelia, iar sistemul nostru solar cuprinde 12 planete nominalizate, altele două fiind distruse de cei care le locuiau, prin involuție. Mai mult, deasupra Bucureștiului – care se va reconstrui și va fi capitală a planetei noastre sub numele Arkazamy – se află trei nave ale lor încă din 1993, iar deasupra Munților Rarău din Moldova prietenii noștri au instalat un satelit staționar numit Gentorem care are 14 sateliți și că tot în Rarău, sub munte – dar într-un nivel vibrațional superior nouă – se află orașul sumerian Palmira, acest loc fiind numit Inima Geei. Civilizația sumeriană colaborează aici cu Confederația Galactică în ajutorul acordat nouă și încă cu alte orașe sumeriene subpământene dotate cu piramide-cristal uriașe, aflate sub Munții Bucegi sau Retezat din Carpați, cât și în zona orașului Orșova pe Dunăre.

De ce în România? Pentru că de aici va porni noua civilizație terestră. Și nu pentru că românii sunt mai presus decât alți pământeni (rămâne să dovedim dacă suntem la înălțimea misiunii) ci pentru că vibrațiile cosmice sunt acum concentrate aici pentru schimbare, cum au fost în alte perioade istorice umane în India, Egipt, Teba, Grecia, Insula Paștelui, America de Sud, Galileea sau Japonia.

Iată de ce am hotărât reeditarea lucrării ”VIAȚA PE GEEA – carte apel a Federației Galactice către Civilizația Terestră transmisă prin Misiunea România”
Am mai fost ghidați ca această lucrare să apară și în engleză pentru o cât mai largă informare planetară.
Salutul nostru este: Solteris!”
Fragment introductiv din VIAȚA PE GEEA -EDITIA A III-A

Despre Eltrayan:
Cristiana Eltrayan, facilitatoarea cursului, a calatorit în toată lumea participând la workshop-uri și conferințe pe această temă, a studiat și practicat metodele de hrănire și vindecare cu lumină în ultimii 13 ani și a creat mai multe proiecte de informare și educare pe această temă: Pranic Consciousness Summit, o platforma online unde peste 45 de specialiști în domeniu susțin conferințe pe tema nutriției pranice; Pranic Festival în România, o întrunire ajunsă la a 7-a ediție, care cooptează speakeri din toată lumea specializați în această practică, Pranic Festival in India, Pranic Consciousness Summit, programul educațional holistic Energy in Harmony pentru copiii din școli și mai mult de 14 campanii de caritate și ecologie numite It’s Better with Love. Ea este un membru al consiliului de conducere al Global Pyramid Societies Movement, o organizație care predă meditația în întreaga lume – cu 25000 de piramide construite pentru meditație pe tot globul – și ambasador al păcii la Ambasada Păcii.

Acum practică și Soul Healing – Terapia Holistică – care se ocupă de echilibrul dintre corp – minte-suflet și deprogramarea și reprogramarea câmpului energetic și își împărtășește experiențele în cărți, ateliere, cursuri și conferințe.
Este autoarea a 5 cărți, printre care „The Pranic World Book”, care descrie experiența ei în comunitățile pranice și procesele pranice.

În prezent, Cristiana susține conferințe și sesiuni terapeutice pe tema nutriției și vindecării pranice în mai multe țări din lume și se ocupă cu ajutarea celor interesați în a înțelege această paradigmă.

Detalii despre următoarele evenimente pe

Căutăm sali pentru: Galați, București, Piatra Neamț, Sibiu și Cluj
Daca aveți idei bune scrieti-mi pe watsapp sau email



Upgrade Your Light Body Retreat with Eltrayan & Team – Amplificarea Corpului de Lumina



We have prepared this retreat to help you have a lighter, healthier body at this time of transformation and tune into the high energies of Christmas and New Year, manifesting your best wishes and a fabulous year to come.  Prepare yourself  in advance, for this new cicle, with 3 days of detox, healing and energizing with Eltrayan & Team.

During this retreat you learn:

-how to manifest your best year

– how to reconnect with your soul and  your intuition

– how to detox and re-charge your internal organs;
– how to connect to nature’s elements for more energy/chi/prana;
– how to efficiently extract the energy from your food;
– how to listen to your body to choose the right foods;
– how to overcome the cravings;
– how to have a lighter diet and use your energy more efficiently
-…and much more.
We have daily exercises of energization and meditation, Chi Kung, other forms of conscious moving.

Optional activities (fun stuff):

– cacao ceremony & sound healing

– visiting ancient places with the abundance and lusciousness of old times;
– nature hikes in one of the places with a very special energy in Romania ;
….and whatever else brings joy and cheerfulness.

We’ve picked the best location for this, a dreamlike landscape in a very high energetic place of the Transilvalianian mountains. Just walking on this land upgrades your energy, boosting up your vitality, self confidence and clarity and igniting your passion. All this is topped up by the lusciousness of a great bio resort, so pittoresque  and in tune with nature that you will feel like basking in fairy land
The whole place is built with organic architecture, perfectly integrating into nature and with special care for the environment, all hand sculpted and hand painted
You can enjoy home made drinks, kombucha, birch sap, grandma-like jams and pies and wonderful organic vegan meals

When? Where?

December 22-24th, 2022 – Moeciu de Sus &Amfiteatrul Transilvania, Brasov, Romania

You can order additional services (not included in the retreat cost);
– juices and vegetarian/vegan meals;
– private one-on-one sessions with Cristiana Eltrayan.


Eltrayan, the founder of this retreat, has traveled all over the world participating in workshops and conferences on this topic, has studied and practiced light feeding and healing methods for the past 13 years, and has created several information and education projects on this topic : Pranic Consciousness Summit, an online platform where over 45 specialists in the field hold conferences on pranic nutrition; Pranic Festival in Romania, a meeting that has reached its 8th edition, which co-opts speakers from all over the world specialized in this practice, Pranic Festival in India, Pranic Consciousness Summit, the holistic educational program Energy in Harmony for school children and more than 14 charity and environmental campaigns called It’s Better with Love.
She is a board member of the Global Pyramid Societies Movement, an organization that teaches meditation around the world – with 25,000 pyramids built for meditation around the globe – and a peace ambassador at the Embassy of Peace.
She now also practices Soul Healing – Holistic Therapy – which deals with body-mind-soul balance and energy field deprogramming and reprogramming and shares her experiences in books, workshops, courses and conferences. She is the author of 5 books, including “The Pranic World Book”, which describes her experience in pranic communities and pranic processes.
Currently, Cristiana holds conferences and therapeutic sessions on the topic of nutrition and pranic healing in several countries of the world and deals with helping those interested in understanding this paradigm.

To book your place and room send 333 euros at either paypal or an account that we send if you don’t have PayPal. Write to us at for other payment methods.

Accomodation included – in double shared room. For single room there’s an extra fee of 30 E 

* if you prefer a room at Amfiteatrul Transilvania,this adds an extra 125- 150 E to the retreat fee. Rooms at this location are very few,so please announce now if you have this preference 

If you need a 2 rate payment write to us on watsapp or email

Book your place now as we only have 6 places open for this exclusive retreat.

After confirming participation we can connect you in a group where you can share transportation & info about the retreat


If you can’t join us live you can come online for 222 E

The retreat costs include:

  •  accommodation*
  • daily meditation and portal connecting exercises with Cristiana Eltrayan – Holistic Therapist, Speaker & Author;
  • cacao ceremony & sound healing
  • energizing moments in highly vibrational places;
  • full translated English and Romanian guidance about all the places we visit (should there be visitors from other countries we’ll see how we manage translations; our guide is able to also provide guidance in French and Italian)
  • room bookings and management


  • creating and maintaining a field of harmony, purity and healing to all the places we go to;
  • cacao ceremony & sound healing
  • energy work with all the hosts and people involved for a general harmonious experience
  • energy work for each participant – form the moment for booking the place – to harmonize with the retreat, the participants and the places we go to (it might result in healing, chakra harmonizing, diet changes)
  • energetically preparing the road, the transportation and the meetings between participants
  • subtle energy work with each participant, during the retreat and beyond for personal healing, group integration, harmonization with the sacred sites we visit and integrating certain aspects in the present or other lifetimes
  • working with the local guides, gatekeepers and light beings that are guarding the places and the group
  • maintaining a field of high consciousness to receive the guidance and the right rhythm of the retreat
  • monitoring and (if allowed) adjusting the energy fields and the weather of the places we go to

* Depending on the group type and accommodation type, the food management is up to you. 

** Transportation is not included, according to the number of participants we will rent cars and share transportation costs between participants. 


Make sure you bring comfortable and also warm winter clothes, hiking shoes and gloves + cap, as the weather can get really cold. The trip might include 2 to 3 h of walks/mild hiking, so make sure your health and tonus are up to that.

All our retreats are vegetarian/vegan. Even if your not vegetarian on daily basis,we recommend taking a few days off meat while you come with us

All retreats are non refundable, but transferrable to other events, online or live


Am pregătit acest retreat pentru a vă ajuta să aveți un corp mai ușor, mai sănătos în acest moment de transformare și să vă acordați cu energiile înalte ale Crăciunului și Anului Nou, manifestându-vă cele mai bune dorinte și un nou an fabulos . Pregateste-te din timp pentru acest nou ciclu, cu 3 zile de detoxifiere, vindecare si energizare cu Eltrayan & Team.

Cand? Unde?

22-24 Decembrie 2023 – Moeciu de Sus &Amfiteatrul Transilvania, Brasov, Romania

În timpul acestei retrageri înveți:

– cum să-ți manifesti cel mai bun an al tău

–  cum sa te reconectezi cu sufletul tau si cu intuitiata

– cum sa iti detoxifici si reincarci organele interne;
– cum sa te conectezi cu natura si elementele ei pentru mai multa energie (prana)
– cum sa extragi eficient energia din alimente;
– cum sa iti asculti corpul pentru a alege alimentele potrivite si a “invinge” poftele alimentare;
– cum sa te hranesti mai usor si sa folosesti energia interioara eficient;
– ….si multe altele.
Zilnic avem practici de energizare si utilizare a pranei (chi/energie/mana), meditatii, Chi Kung, alte forme de miscare constienta.

Activitati optionale suplimentare(fun stuff):
– ceremonie de cacao si sound healing

– vizitarea de locuri energetice stravechi si somptuoase cu abundenta si fastul altor timpuri
– meditatii intr-unul dintre locurile cu o energie speciala;
…si orice altceva aduce voie buna

Am ales cea mai bună locație pentru asta, un peisaj de vis într-un loc foarte înalt energetic al munților Transilvaniei. Doar mersul pe acest pământ îți îmbunătățește energia, sporind vitalitatea, încrederea în sine și claritatea și aprinzându-ți pasiunea. Toate acestea sunt completate de luxul unei stațiuni bio grozave, atât de pitoresc  și în ton cu natura, încât veți simți că vă veți bucura de tărâmul zânelor.
Întregul loc este construit cu arhitectură organică, integrându-se perfect în natură și cu o grijă deosebită pentru mediu, cu mobilier sculptat si pictat manual
Te  poți bucura de băuturi de casă, kombucha, seva de mesteacăn, gemuri și plăcinte asemănătoare bunicilor și mâncăruri vegane organice minunate
Eltrayan, facilitatoarea retreatului, a calatorit în toată lumea participând la workshop-uri și conferințe pe această temă, a studiat și practicat metodele de hrănire și vindecare cu lumină în ultimii 13 ani și a creat mai multe proiecte de informare și educare pe această temă: Pranic Consciousness Summit, o platforma online unde peste 45 de specialiști în domeniu susțin conferințe pe tema nutriției pranice; Pranic Festival în România, o întrunire ajunsă la a 7-a ediție, care cooptează speakeri din toată lumea specializați în această practică, Pranic Festival in India, Pranic Consciousness Summit, programul educațional holistic Energy in Harmony pentru copiii din școli și mai mult de 14 campanii de caritate și ecologie numite It’s Better with Love.
Ea este un membru al consiliului de conducere al Global Pyramid Societies Movement, o organizație care predă meditația în întreaga lume – cu 25000 de piramide construite pentru meditație pe tot globul – și ambasador al păcii la Ambasada Păcii.
Acum practică și Soul Healing – Terapia Holistică – care se ocupă de echilibrul dintre corp – minte-suflet și deprogramarea și reprogramarea câmpului energetic și își împărtășește experiențele în cărți, ateliere, cursuri și conferințe.
Este autoarea a 5 cărți, printre care „The Pranic World Book”, care descrie experiența ei în comunitățile pranice și procesele pranice.
În prezent, Cristiana susține conferințe și sesiuni terapeutice pe tema nutriției și vindecării pranice în mai multe țări din lume și se ocupă cu ajutarea celor interesați în a înțelege această paradigmă.

Rezerva-ti locul trimitand 333E la paypal sau scrie-ne la pentru alte metode de plata.

Rezerva-ti locul acum deoarece sunt doar 6 locuri libere in acest retreat.

Dupa confirmarea participarii te putem include in grupul nostru pentru a imparti transportul si alte informatii despre retreat

Contributia pentru retreat este de 333 euro( cazare inclusa in camera dubla. Pentru camera single se achita un supliment de 30 E)

* daca preferi o camera la Amfiteatrul Transilvania, asta adaugă suma de 125-150 euro la totalul retreatului. Rezervările pentru acea locație sunt limitate, anunțați-ne acum daca aveți aceasta preferință 

Pentru a vă rezerva locul, vă rugăm să utilizați watsapp +40746165813 pentru a efectua depunerea pentru rezervare de 150E sau pentru a plăti contributia integrală .

Restul contributiei pentru retreat trebuie plătit cu o săptămână înainte de data retreatului (până pe 13 octombrie).

Daca aveti nevoie sa achitati in doua rate scrieti-ne pe watsapp sau email


Daca nu poti veni la fata locului, te poti alatura online. Contributia este de 222 Euro

Contributia de retreat include:

– cazare*
– meditație zilnică și exerciții de conectare a portalului cu Cristiana Eltrayan – terapeut holistic, speaker și autor;

– ceremonie de cacao si sound healing

– momente de energizare în locuri puternic vibraționale;
–  traducere în engleză și română (în cazul în care sunt vizitatori din alte țări, vom vedea cum gestionăm traducerile; ghidul nostru poate oferi și îndrumări în franceză și italiană)
– rezervari si gestionare a camerelor


⭐crearea și menținerea unui câmp de armonie, puritate și vindecare în toate locurile în care mergem;
⭐Lucru energetic cu toate gazdele și oamenii implicați pentru o experiență generală armonioasă
⭐lucru energetic pentru fiecare participant – din momentul rezervării locului – pentru a se armoniza cu retragerea, participanții și locurile în care mergem (ar putea duce la vindecare, armonizarea chakrelor, modificări ale dietei)
⭐pregătirea energica a drumului, a transportului și a întâlnirilor dintre participanți
⭐lucru energetic cu fiecare participant, în timpul retragerii și nu numai, pentru vindecarea personală, integrarea în grup, armonizarea cu locurile sacre pe care le vizităm și integrarea anumitor aspecte în viața prezentă sau în alte vieți
⭐lucru cu ghizii locali, paznicii și ființe de lumină care păzesc locurile și grupul
menținerea unui câmp de conștiință înaltă pentru a primi îndrumarea și ritmul corect al retragerii
⭐monitorizarea și (dacă este permis) ajustarea câmpurilor energetice și a vremii locurilor în care mergem

⭐ceremonie de cacao si sound healing

* În funcție de tipul grupului și tipul de cazare, gestionarea alimentației este la latitudinea dvs.

** Transportul nu este inclus, în funcție de numărul de participanți vom închiria mașini și vom împărți costurile de transport între participanți.


Asigurați-vă că aduceți haine confortabile și călduroase de iarnă, pantofi de drumeție și mănuși +caciula, deoarece vremea se poate răci cu adevărat.

Toate retreaturile noastre sunt vegetariene/vegane. Chiar dacă nu sunteți vegetarian, vă recomandăm să vă luați câteva zile fara carne în timp ce veniti cu noi

Toate retreaturile sunt nerambursabile, dar pot fi transferate la alte evenimente, online sau live



Relationships, Intimacy & Kundalini – Online&Live Class Cristiana Eltrayan


The skills of mastering our energy, emotions and intimacy are crucial for harmonious coexistence.

Join us on 11.11 in Iasi (Romania) or online

In this LIVE& ONLINE class with Cristiana Eltrayan you learn about:

-how to have a better love life
-how to best communicate with your partner
-how to resolve intimacy issues
-how to break the walls of silence and have heart to heart communication
-how to feel closer to your partner again
-how to restore or jazz up your couple life

-how to circulate your energy for a calmer, more joyous and compassionate state
-how to relate to the one’s around you from a place of profound understanding and deep connection
– how to enhance your body’s limitless capacities
– how to get in touch with your body and acknowledge its messages
– how to preserve and enhance your vitality with a more refined food
– how to prevent and manage the issues that can appear when Kundalini awakens
– pranic nourishment possibilities
– how to have harmony in your couple and you intimate life
– the correlation between the nutrition, prana(chi/energy)and Kundalini


Prana is the energy of Life. Our efficiency,productivity and happiness depend on the way we manage this energy. Many things in life, from family/intimate life to work productivity,can be improved by changing the way we manage our nourishment and our vital energy, the two support pillars of our general health ad wellbeing.
Book your place to learn how to balance these two aspects and activate infinite innate capacities.

The class is now in video version so you can watch it any time

To sign up, make a donation of minimum 99 E let us know today on watsapp +40746165813
You can donate the amount at paypal
For Paypal select “pay to friends and family” to avoid comissions.
If you don’t use revolut or paypal write to us for alternative payment methods.
Write to us as soon as you’ve done this , to be included in the workshop

About the facilitator – Cristiana Eltrayan:
Motto: “Life transformations come from integrating our spiritual side and our souls’ choices into the social plane.”

Cristiana Eltrayan works as a therapist, international holistic speaker and author. Additionally, she often travels for opening and maintaining energy portals along the planet, following the planetary energy lines and also the cosmic rhythms. These endeavors are the result of the inner guidance that the author is receiving regarding these energy works.

Her workshops and classes have as a main theme the energetic nourishment, the Taoist emotional intelligence and pranic methods of healing and recalibration, converging to the consciousness of unity. She combines the ancient knowledge with the modern scientific discoveries, to bring a complex and complete picture on the unlimited nature of the human potential. Since 2009 she has been studying the Pranic nourishment (the possibility of being nourished by energy/chi/mana) and since 2013 she is offering lectures and classes on this subject.

As the founder of the Soul Healing Academy, she has created several projects, including the Pranic Consciousness Summit , the Pranic Festival in Romania, the Pranic Festival in India, the Energy in Harmony holistic educational program for children in schools and more than 14 charity and ecology campaigns called the It’s Better with Love .
She is applying the Soul Healing therapy for the following life aspects:

Love/couple relationships – healing emotional trauma, managing internal/external conflicts
Parent-children relationships – managing disagreements or disabilities
Family relationships- understanding and accepting family roles
Nutrition harmonization-finding the appropriate dietary lifestyle
Career-choosing the right profession
The relationship with oneself

Cristiana’s work experience:
Soul Healing therapy
ThetaHealing practitioner
Tao of Healing practitioner
Yoga stretching practitioner
Light and sound therapy
Pranic feeding practitioner
Therapeutic dance practitioner (Sacred dance for healing)
Angel therapy practitioner
Art Therapy practitioner
Creator of the volunteering project for children “Energy in Harmony” – held in schools – see the blog on Children relationship section

A great testimonial from our last class:

” I discovered that what you were teaching was always inside of me .

Thank you for such beautiful and delicate yet very natural way of teaching about our body parts. I felt like a child who finally got its first decent education here on the Earth!
With that last class I went trough a deep sexual thrauma healing. Thank you for that too ❤️” B. – England

” Dear Cristiana! Ive connected with you telephaticly with my questions. And you have had this class running for my highest benefits! I have no words to express my graditude. I will share more with you soon!
Thank you for showing up in my life !” M. J. – Sweden
“Cristiana Eltrayan is a beacon of light on this evolving planet and a warrior for the transformative magnitude of Love through each piece of information and every technique that she brings forth. Every single webinar, video, interview, or any other offering of hers that I have experienced has consistently brought me new, deeply useful and enlightening information. I literally feel my frequency rising through though each exposure to her work. This woman might indeed be a portal in an of herself… My deep gratitude and appreciation to her for all she stands for and all she continues to offer.”KS – California, USA

In acest curs inveti despre:
– corelatia intre nutritie si energia Kundalini(forta vitala)
– cum sa iti pastrezi vitalitatea si forta printr-o hrana mai rafinata
– cum sa preintampini si sa gestionezi problemele legate de energia Kundalini
– posibilitati nebanuite in hranirea cu prana
-cum sa pastrezi armonia in cuplu si in viata ta intima

Prana este energia vietii.
Felul cum gestionam aceasta energie dicteaza sanatatea si eficienta noastra. Multe lucruri in viata,de la cariera la viata de familie si productivitatea in lucru, pot fi imbunatatite prin schimbarea felului in care acumulam si gestionam nutritia si energia Kundalini.

Multe lucruri in viata,de la cariera la viata de familie si productivitatea in lucru, pot fi imbunatatite prin schimbarea modului in care acumulam si gestionam nutritia si energia vitala, cei doi stalpi de sustinere ai starii noastre generale.
Vino sa inveti cum sa echilibrezi aceste doua aspecte si sa iti activezi capacitatile interioare nebanuite.

Despre Cristiana Eltrayan :
Cristiana Eltrayan, facilitatoarea cursului, a calatorit în toată lumea participând la workshop-uri și conferințe pe această temă, a studiat și practicat metodele de hrănire și vindecare cu lumină în ultimii 9 ani și a creat mai multe proiecte de informare și educare pe această temă: Pranic Consciousness Summit, o platforma online unde peste 22 de specialiști în domeniu susțin conferințe pe tema nutriției pranice; Pranic Festival în România, o întrunire ajunsă la a 4-a ediție care cooptează speakeri din toată lumea specializați în această practică, Pranic Festival in India, in Martie 3-8 și carțile Darkroom Retreat și The Pranic World Book, in care explică experiențele proprii și cercetările ei pe aceasta temă.
În prezent, Cristiana susține conferințe și sesiuni terapeutice pe tema nutriției și vindecării pranice în mai multe țări din lume și se ocupă cu ajutarea celor interesați în a înțelege această paradigmă.


Live streaming pe 11.11, la 8 pm

Poti sa urmezi cursul oricand, in format video.

Inscrierile se fac aici:


Poti urmari oricand varianta video

Feedback dupa cursul din 2 Februarie la Medias :

“”A cunoaște – nseamna iarna,
a iubi e primăvară…” spune Lucian Blaga într-o frumoasa poezie despre primăvara.
În 02.02.2020, zi cu încărcătură energetica deosebita, a venit primăvara și la Mediaș, ne – a intrat în suflete și a promis ca nu va mai pleca…
Curs magic, într-o zi magica, cu Cristiana și oameni dragi, în care am descoperit noi valente ale iubirii de sine.
” A iubi – aceasta vine
tare de departe-mine.
A iubi – aceasta vine
tare de departe – tine…
Înc-o data, iar și iară,
a iubi e primăvară.” E.A. – Medias

” Minunat spus. ❤️❤️❤️
Cuvintele noastre sunt inutile. Tot ce am simtit a fost deja exprimat de Alice. Ii Multumesc Cristianei, ii multumesc Alicei si le multumesc si celorlalti oameni dragi si minunati, alaturi de care am trait o experienta minunata. Va iubesc si va imbratisez🤗” D. J. – Medias


Easter Embody Your Light Retreat – with Eltrayan & Team

Do you feel that your body is shifting, needing less food, and that you need a mouthful of…green?
We have prepared this retreat to help you have a lighter, healthier body for  the holidays, to reconnect with the Divine and breathe the Joy of Easter together with your soul family/your tribe. 
When nature moves into a new cycle, the human body has its own rhythm of re-charge and energization.  Prepare yourself  in advance, for this new cycle, with 3 days of detox and re-energizing with Cristiana Eltrayan.
During this retreat you learn:
 – how to prepare your body for the new energies coming on Earth
 – how to activate your innate “superpowers”
 – how to detox and re-charge your internal organs;
 – how to connect to nature’s elements for more energy/chi/prana;
 – how to efficiently extract the energy from your food;
 – how to listen to your body to choose the right foods;
 – how to overcome the cravings;
 – how to have a lighter diet and use your energy more efficiently
-…and much more.
We have daily exercises of energization and meditation, Chi Kung, other forms of conscious moving. To all this add the exquisite freshness of the mountain forest air, that fills you body with pure,pristine prana every day.
Optional activities (fun stuff):
 – sauna and jacuzzi for detox and relaxation;
 – visiting ancient places and sumptuous castles with the abundance and lusciousness of old times;
– relaxing, sightseeing and vortex meditations in one of the places with a very special energy in Busteni;
….and whatever else brings joy and cheerfulness.
Easter 1 – April 7th-9th
Easter 2: April 14-17th
Children are welcome age 9+
Free participation for children under 12.
50% discount for children under 17 and students under 22 of age
How to book your place and room?
Book your place now by sending 222E  (50% of the total cost) at PayPal FRIENDS & FAMILY to avoid commissions) or a bank account, if you prefer so.
Total cost: 444 E.
The confirmation of participation is to be made by April 1st, as we cannot hold rooms after that date
The rest of 50% E you send one day in advance by (8th/April 13st, respectively).
If you don’t have PayPal or you need a different payment plan, write to us at and we’ll give you other payment options.
The retreat cost includes:
 – a place in a double shared room; for single room you add 60 E to your total cost (393 E EARLY BIRD /504E dupa 18 martie );
 – participation to all the retreat activities;
You can order additional services (not included in the retreat cost);
 – juices and vegetarian/vegan meals;
 – private one-on-one healing & counselling sessions with Cristiana Eltrayan.
*As the detox is the foundation of this retreat, the meals are vegan only, for 3 days
Cristiana Eltrayan, the facilitator of this retreat, has travelled all over the world, giving workshops and conferences on this topic. She has studied and practiced the methods of pranic nourishment and healing for the past 9 years and has created many projects to inform and educate on this subject: The Pranic Consciousness Summit, an online platform with more than 45 specialists in pranic nutrition; The Pranic Festival in Romania, a gathering that has reached it’s third year now, gathering people from all ofer the world that are specialized in pranic nourishment and detox ; and The Pranic World Book, in which she explains her own experiences and research on this topic.
Presently, Cristiana holds conferences and healing sessions in several countries of the world and also helps those interested in this subject, individually.
Simti ca in corpul tau se petrec schimbari care iti cer o alimentatie mai usoara si ai nevoie de o gura de…verde?
Am pregatit acest retreat pentru tine ca sa te ajutam sa ai corpul mai usor si mai sanatos de sarbatori,sa te reconectezi cu Divinul și cu intuiția ta și să respiri bucuria Paștelui alaturi de familia de suflet/tribul tau.
Cand natura se transforma, corpul uman are ciclul sau de reincarcare si reenergizare. Pregateste-te pentru acest nou ciclu cu 3 zile de detox si re-energizare(prana) alaturi de Cristiana Eltrayan.
In retreat afli:
– cum sa iti pregatesti corpul pentru noile energii care vin pe planeta
 – cum sa iti activezi calitatile “supranaturale” native
 – cum sa iti detoxifici si reincarci organele interne;
– cum sa te conectezi cu natura si elementele ei pentru mai multa energie (prana)
– cum sa extragi eficient energia din alimente;
– cum sa iti asculti corpul pentru a alege alimentele potrivite si a “invinge” poftele alimentare;
– cum sa te hranesti mai usor si sa folosesti energia interioara eficient;
– ….si multe altele.
Zilnic avem practici de energizare si utilizare a pranei (chi/energie/mana), meditatii, Chi Kung, alte forme de miscare constienta. La asta se adauga prospetimea aerului de mute, care iti umple corpul cu prana/energie pura in fiecare zi.
Activitati optionale suplimentare(fun stuff):
– sauna si jacuzzi cu apa sarata pentru relax si detox
– vizitarea de castele stravechi si somptuoase cu abundenta si fastul altor timpuri
– relaxare si distractie intr-unul dintre locurile cu o energie speciala;
…si orice altceva aduce voie buna
Cand are loc retreat-ul?
Paste 1: 7-9aprilie
Paste 2: 14-17 aprilie 2023
Cum te inscrii?
Rezervarea se face achitand 50% din costul retreatului prin PayPal la &FAMLY cand achiti, pentru a evita comisioanele). Daca nu ai PayPal scrie-ne si iti trimitem o alta modalitate de plata.
Cost total: 444 E; Early bird pana pe 18.03 – 333 E (discount 111 E)
Avans inscriere: 50%
Rezervarea si confirmarile se fac pana la 1 aprilie , deoarece pana la acea data retinem camerele.
Costul retreatului include:
 – cazarea in camera dubla (impreuna cu un alt participant). Pentru camera single se adauga 60 euro la costul total (cost final: 393 E EARLY BIRD /504E dupa 18 martie ).
 – participarea la toate activitatile retreat-ului.
Deoarece retreatul este focalizat pe detoxifiere, meniurile recomandate sunt exclusiv vegetariene
Se pot comanda si achita suplimentar:
– sucuri si meniuri la cerere;
 – sesiuni de terapie individuale cu Cristiana Eltrayan.
Mesele sunt optionale si vegetariene.
Cristiana Eltrayan, facilitatoarea cursului, a calatorit în toată lumea participând la workshop-uri și conferințe pe această temă, a studiat și practicat metodele de hrănire și vindecare cu lumină în ultimii 13 ani și a creat mai multe proiecte de informare și educare pe această temă: Pranic Consciousness Summit, o platforma online unde peste 45 de specialiști în domeniu susțin conferințe pe tema nutriției pranice; Pranic Festival în România, o întrunire ajunsă la a 7-a ediție, care cooptează speakeri din toată lumea specializați în această practică, Pranic Festival in India, Pranic Consciousness Summit și carțile Darkroom Retreat și The Pranic World Book, in care explică experiențele proprii și cercetările ei pe aceasta temă.
În prezent, Cristiana susține conferințe și sesiuni terapeutice pe tema nutriției și vindecării pranice în mai multe țări din lume și se ocupă cu ajutarea celor interesați în a înțelege această paradigmă.

New Years Eve Retreat with Eltrayan


(Traducere in romana mai jos)

New Year’s Eve is a great time for manifestation and for leaping into a new timeline and changing your life

Feel like joining your soul-family this New Year’s Eve? Like-minded people to share meditation, same lifestyle,profound conversations and soul-sharing with?

We invite you to bask into the loving pranic flow of New Year’s Eve, in a beautiful mountain place in Romania, close to the Romanian Sphinx. We invite you to celebrate New Year’s Eve with us in a beautiful, holistic way, with meditation,happy soul sharing, good veg food and lots of prana.


-Cacao ceremony

-Manifestation Meditation+ New Years Resolutions

-Extatic Dance

– Sound Healing Session

– Potluck Dinner

– Integration Game

-Visiting & working with sacred sites

We’ll visit some of the most beautiful places in the Romanian mountains, we’ll pray/meditate in ancient temples and sacred sites and we’ll warm up with cinnamon apple drinks and prana love meditations in the warm cozy rooms of beautiful a beautiful mountain venue right next to an amazing glorious castle. All activities have Romanian/English/French/Italian translation
Join us in this beautiful New Year’s Eve Retreat with Eltrayan & Team!

Kids are welcome

December 31-2nd, starting afternoon time 2 pm.

If you arrive earlier you can be hosted and chill out until we begin the retreat.
If you want a shorter time,let us know the number of days that you can attend (accomodation prices might vary accordingly).

Where? Busteni, Romania, close to Romanian Sphinx

How to book:

Book you place by December 1st (early bird discount): 111Euro discount 

If you book by December 1st you only pay 444Euro instead of 555 E – the contribution includes accommodation in double shared room. Single room early bird is 555E instead of 666 E

Book your place today by sending 50% of the retreat amount via paypal The rest of the amount is due by December 22.

Total retreat cost after December 1st:

– 555E in double shared room* (you get to share room with fabulous people)

For teens and students (between 12 and 22): 222E (accommodation included).

For children** under 12:  55 E/day for accommodation. Entrance is free.

*All prices include accommodation in double shared room (places in single rooms are subject to rapid booking and might not be available after this week).

**Children are welcomed and have free attendance to retreat activities up to 12 years old.

TO BOOK FOR ONLY 1 DAY RETREAT – DECEMBER 31st OR JAN 1st – 111 E (room not included)

For questions contact +40746165813


If you’re coming by plane, you then have to either rent a car or come by train to Busteni.

If you need to book a hotel in one of the cities of landing, use this link to get a discount.

Here you have the trains timetable from Bucharest and Brasov:

Trains from Bucharest are here. Trains from Brasov are  here.


Revelionul este un moment extraordinar pentru a manifesta ceea ce îți dorești și pentru a crea un nou viitor posibil în viața ta sau chiar pentru a-ți schimba viața.

Vrei sa petreci Revelionul cu oameni frumosi, cu un stil de viata similar cu al tau, cu care sa impartasesti meditatii si momente de suflet, discutii profunde si comuniune de la suflet la suflet?

Te invitam sa te delectezi in energia iubitoare a Revelionului, intr-un loc frumos din Romania, aproape de Sfinx. Te invitam sa sarbatoresti Revelionul cu noi intr-un mod holistic, cu meditatie, comuniune a sufletelor, hrana vegetariana delicioasa si multa prana.


-Ceremonie de cacao

– Meditație de manifestare – intenții pentru noul an

-Dans Extatic

– Sesiune de Sound Healing

– Cina potluck vegana ( potluck=fiecare aduce bunătățile care îi plac)

– integration game- jocuri de conștientizare

– vizitarea de locuri sacre

Vizitam unele dintre cele mai frumoase locuri din Romania, ne rugam /meditam in temple antice si locuri sacre si ne incalzim inimile cu meditatii pline de iubire si bautura calda cu mar si scortisoara, in camerele calde si primitoare ale unei vile montane frumoase.

Toate activitatile au traducere in romana/engleza/franceza/italiana.

Vrei sa fii alaturi de o “familie de suflet” de Revelion?
Alatura-te noua in acest Retreat de Revelion cu Eltrayan & Team.

Copiii sunt bineveniti.

31-2 decembrie 202, incepem in jur de ora 2pm.

Daca ajungi mai devreme te poti caza si te relaxezi pana incepem retreatul. Daca vrei sa participi pe o perioada mai scurta, scrie-ne si anunta-ne cate zile poti participa(pretul cazarii poate varia in functie de asta).

Unde? Busteni, Romania

Cum iti rezervi locul?
Rezerva-ti locul acum trimitand jumatate din suma retreatului la Paypal Restul de 50 % se achita pana la 22 decembrie

Suma pentru retreat este 333E (include cazarea in camera dubla cu o alta persoana*)

Pentru adolescenti si studenti (intre 12 si 22 ani): 222 E (in camera dubla cu alta persoana)

Pentru copii** sub 12 ani : 18 E/zi pentru cazare. Participarea este libera

*Toate preturile includ cazare in camera dubla cu alta persoana.

Pentru camera single se achita 54 E suplimentar (deci 387 E in total pentru retreat). Camerele single se rezerva rapid si e posibil sa nu mai fie disponibile dupa aceasta saptamana.

**Copiii sunt bineveniti si au intrare libera pana la 12 ani

Pentru intrebari contactati Watsapp +40746165813
