Pranic Consciousness Process – LIVE TRAINING


The Pranic Consciousness  Process is the ultimate energy and physical detox that brings you more in contact to your Prana Source.

What do you enjoy during the Process:

  • you  spend 8 days in nature, basking in the best prana streams of the Romanian mountains ;
  • you learn to detox your physical bodies using fresh juices, plants and prana;
  • you detox your energy bodies with daily guided meditations especially created to help you with that;
  • you energize yourself with special exercises designed to help you intake more prana
  • you learn to channel prana for healing and harmonization
  • you learn to tune into the elements and bring them in as needed
  • you exercise the bio-field harmonization (how to harmonize a room, a city, a country, the planet, or just your own field);
  • you practice and enhance the Divine Communion and Divine Contact (with light beings);
  • you tune deeper into your needs and inner guidance, plus self care and self love
  • you discover the inner source of energy that resides in your physical system
  • you re-immerse, deeper, into your Divine Essence
  • …and so much more.

If you are ready for and energy SPA, willing to leave everything behind for 8 days and to immerse yourself into a total recalibration process, join us for this gathering!

After you’ve done one or several pranic trainings, you still have to go home to your life and family, so your pranic intake might decrease gradually if you don’t support it with some tools and daily practices at home – the tools and lifestyle are meant to keep you alligned to the pranic field. The Pranic Consciousness  Process contains the exercises and activities we recommend for keeping that frequency in your system.

The Masters Supporting the Process

Each gathering theme is recommended and supported by an ascended master, and their recommendations are channeled by Cristiana Eltrayan. The masters recommending and supporting this process are: Quan Yin, Saint Germain, Buddha, Babaji, The Christ, St. Francisc of Assisi, Mother Mary, The Angellics. Each participant is supported by and benefits from the connection with these masters while attending this process.

The Benefits

People who have taken this process have also experienced:

  • Balanced relationships
  • More clarity & calm
  • A lighter (or even pranic) diet
  • A healthy body
  • Prolonged youth/reversed aging
  • Ease in following your life path/ career
  • Experiencing miracles (or a state of Grace on a daily  basis)

We underline that this is not a process that will teach you how to stop eating: this is a training that helps you raise and maintain your consciousness level and vibration in allignment with the source of life/chi/prana. The food intake is up to you!


The training begins on September 8, 2017 at 3pm– and ends on September 16, 2017, 3 pm.

The facilitator – Cristiana Eltrayan: 

Motto: “Life transformations come from integrating our spiritual side and our souls’ choices into the social plane.”

Cristiana Eltrayan works as a therapist, international holistic speaker and author. Additionally, she often travels for opening and maintaining energy portals along the planet, following the planetary energy lines and also the cosmic rhythms. These endeavors are the result of the inner guidance that the author is receiving regarding these energy works.

Her workshops and classes have as a main theme the energetic nourishment, the Taoist emotional intelligence and pranic methods of healing and recalibration, converging to the consciousness of unity.  She combines the ancient knowledge with the modern scientific discoveries, to bring a complex and complete picture on the unlimited nature of the human potential.  Since 2009 she has been studying the Pranic nourishment (the possibility of being nourished by energy/chi/mana) and since 2013 she is offering lectures and classes on this subject.

With her work of the Soul Healing Accademy, she has created several projects, including the Pranic Consciousness Summit , the Pranic Festival in Romania, the Energy in Harmony holistic educational program for children in schools and more than 14 charity and ecology campaigns called the It’s Better with Love .

For many years Cristiana Eltrayan has worked with people, and trained to become a holistic therapist and life coach. After having pursued and achieved professional success in management, she has oriented herself towards the self-balancing and spiritual development field, which she has studied and practiced for years with Yoga, qi-gong and other biofield practices that are meant to make us a purer channel for The Divine. Her intention and drive is to become and stay a pure channel for Light for as long as possible in this physical body and to share this knowledge with those opened to this.

She is now practicing the Soul Healing – Holistic Therapy – which deals with  deprogramming and reprogramming the energy field, and shares her experiences in books, workshops, classes and conferences.

 She is applying the Soul Healing therapy for the following life aspects:

  • Love/couple relationships – healing emotional trauma, managing internal/external conflicts
  • Parent-children relationships – managing disagreements or disabilities
  • Family relationships- understanding and accepting family roles
  • Nutrition harmonization-finding the appropriate dietary lifestyle
  • Career-choosing the right profession
  • The relationship with oneself
  • Spirituality


  • Soul Healing therapy
  • ThetaHealing practitioner
  • Tao of Healing practitioner
  • Yoga stretching practitioner
  • Light and sound therapy
  • Pranic feeding practitioner (vegan-fruitarian)
  • Therapeutic dance practitioner (Sacred dance for healing)
  • Angel therapy practitioner
  •  Art Therapy practitioner
  • Over 14 years in working with people in professions like:
    • Soul Healing Therapist
    • Creator of the volunteering project for children “Energy in Harmony” – held in schools – see the blog on Children relationship section
    • General manager of her own events company
    • Sales and marketing manager in event organizing field

Certificates & Trainings :

  • Basic DNA & Advanced DNA Therapist Certificate la THINK –Theta Healing Institute of Knowledge
  • Peace Ambassador la The Embassy of Peace (Holistic Training Organization)
  • Personal Development Counsellor through the Education Ministry
  • Honor Certificate as a Woman’s Accademy Specialist
  • Nutrition Specialist through Education Ministry
  • Peace Ambassadors Training la The Embassy of Peace 2014-2015
  • Pranic Healing and Biofield Harmonization Training (Darkroom Retreat – Thailand) – 2013
  • Holistic healing and energy bio-field programming training – „Biofield Technician – Biofield harmonization and programming, Mind – Self Empowerment Academy (Assisi Italy) 2013
  • Theta Healing Basic and Advanced DNA Course – March – June 2012
  • Holistic healing and energy bio-field programming training – Self Empowerment Academy – 2011
  • Pranic Healing, Meditation, Nutrition, Mind Programming, Angelic Healing, Light Color Healing, Channeling, Personal and global energy healing – Self Empowerment Academy – 2010

Cristiana Eltrayan is also now working as a Peace Ambassador at The Embassy of Peace, an international NGO created to help those interested to enjoy personal and spiritual development programs through her workshops and video programs.

As an author, she shares her experience in her internationally published books, on lifestyle changes, vegetarianism and healthy nutrition, mentality changes, couple and sexuality harmony, spiritual development.

 How to subscribe

The attendance contribution for the process is 333 USD* .

Book your place to the Pranic Consciousness Process by sending $ 200 via Paypal at The rest of the amount is to be sent one week prior to the beginning (By September 1, 2017).

For more info or a payment plan email us at

*To book a room at the venue of the training, please contact us. The price for a place in a shared double room is 18 USD/night/person.

Other options are: tenting/ booking a room in the Complex Turistic Sambata de Sus  (any hotel in the area is close to us).

Contact us

Call us for questions: +40746-165-813
Write to us for questions:


Cristiana Eltrayan has been facilitating this process since 2013, as live and online gatherings. Here’s what people say:

“The seeds you’ve planted are starting to grow roots. I started my exercising again and I gave up the wild way of feeding myself. I started taking good care of my body and to be more aware of my love for the temple of my soul. The meditation is wonderful! I learned things from you that I am now applying and you have inspired me with a more loving way of treating my body and my food. I am now focusing on applying everything you have offered me through your book, interviews and private sessions. I work intensively to transform all these in habits. I thank you for everything. You are a being full of gifts and love and I am glad to have known you!”AM. A. – Bucharest


“I am very fond of the fact that you give us many keys for the daily life. I am so grateful to have subscribed to this program (The Luscious Lifestyles Program), it is one of the most wonderful things that have hapened to me lasly. I have never had such an opportunity in my life! I thank God you exist, for opening our horizon so much!”E.D. – Iasi


Immortality and Living on Light – Online Event


Join me for a video class on pranic nourishment and immortality!
See intro here:

We’ll find out more on how your lifestyle and food choices can influence your genes, DNA and, last but not least, your time on Earth.

As I’ve studied the lives of several masters and noticed their evolution on Earth, and also looked within myself at how things can shift in terms of health and age with lighter nourisment, I am now clear that we have a choice and am willing to talk more about it.

To subscribe, just send E22 at and email us at to send you the class via e-mail .

More on pranic experiences, here:

More on the facilitator – Cristiana Eltrayan) – here (use the top right TRANSLATE button for your language):


Reprogramming the Mental Patterns – Live Conference


At the invitation of the Association for Psychology we held the conference The Importance of Reprogramming the Mental Patterns

The themes we approach:
– what are the mental patterns
– where do the mental patterns stem from
– how do we overcome/reprogram the mental patterns
– going beyond classic psychology – overcoming the limits of the mind

Duration: 2 h




SUCCESUL CA STIL DE VIATA este un set de invataturi care ne arata cum putem dobandi echilibrul intre corp-emotii-minte-suflet, astfel incat sa avem succes si echilibru pe toate planurile .

Programul este compus din 11 workshop-uri saptamanale cu durata medie de 1h30, in care discutam si exemplificam fiecare dintre aceste metode de crestere a fortei interioare si imbunatatire a vietii.

Ce primesti ca urmare a participarii la curs:

– Metode clare si simple de dezvoltare personala si spirituala;

– Tehnici eficiente de energizare si imbunatatire a tonusului si mentalitatii;

– Date concrete si informatii stiintifice despre eficienta acestor metode;

– Momente unice de regasire interioara;

– Beneficiul participarii in cadrul unui colectiv cu care esti “pe aceeasi lungime de unda”;

– Oportunitatea de a cunoaste oameni extraorinari si de a lega prietenii intr-un cadru special;

– Diploma de participare oferita de Embassy of Peace Romania

– Metode clare de recunoastere si urmare a ghidarii interioare.

Click aici pentru detalii.




Click pe video pentru descriere si vezi mai jos cum poti participa; desi descrierea este pentru cursul live, aceleasi invatauri se primesc si din cursul video:

Cum sa scapi de starea de stress in cateva minute?
Cum sa devii mai energic/a si mai atragator/atragatoare ?
Cum sa iti imbunatatesti performata mentala si fizica?
Cum sa eliberezi emotiile negative si sa le transformi in stari pozitive?
Cum sa-ti energizezi organele interne?
Cum sa iti ameliorezi si sa iti mentii starea de sanatate prin practici simple care necesita 15 minute pe zi?

Vei putea afla in cadrul cursului video ENERGIA EMOTIILOR SI ORGANELE INTERNE, unde vom descoperi secrete ale medicinei stravechi, adaptate la ritmul de viata modern.

Emotiile stocate creeaza afectiuni fizice dar si dizarmonii in relatiile cu cei dragi, unde apar discutii si divergente aparent fara motiv. Medicina straveche orientala a studiat in amanunt corespondenta dintre anumite emotii si afectiunile organelor interne. S-au folosit, astfel, terapia cu lumina, vizualizarea curativa si cromoterapia in nenumarate moduri pentru a aduce alinare chiar si in afectiuni ce pareau de nevindecat.
Prin combinarea vizualizarii cromatice cu anumite sunete specifice, vindecatoare, putem avea un impact si mai puternic asupra organelor interne pe care dorim sa le vindecam.

– ameliorarea starii de sanatate prin exercitii simple
– energizarea intregului organism inntr-un timp foarte scurt
– initiere in practica Surasului Interior – enerizarea organelor interne
– initiere in corelarea emotiilor cu organele interne aferente.

Cand? Unde?
In confortul casei tale – cursul este in format video si il poti privi/repeta oricand.

Care e contributia ta?

Contributia pentru curs este de 450 lei/pers. Ii poti trimite prin paypal la sau scrie-ne si iti trimitem un cont pentru achitare.

Bonus: Toti participantii la curs pot primi Meditatia ghidata VIDECAREA RELATIILOR, COMUNICARII SI CREATIVITATII

Raspunsuri la intrebari frecvente despre curs

Se vor face exercitii sau doar teorie?
Cursul cuprinde in proportie de peste 60% exercitii practice si sugestii pe care le poti APLICA acasa si care au dat rezultate durabile celor care le-au aplicat.

3. Ce voi afla din acest curs?

Cu acest curs afli:

-care sunt tipurile de emotii care se stocheaza in principalele organe interne si -cum le poti transforma in stari pozitive, pentru vindecare
-cum sa-ti dinamizezi si sa-ti canalizezi energia interna pentru vindecare
-care sunt principalele zone care trebuie deblocate in corp pentru ca energia sa circule liber si cum le deblochezi
-care sunt corelatiile intre elementele naturii si interiorul corpului tau si cum poti folosi energia naturii pentru vindecare.

Daca ai alte intrebari, foloseste datele de contact de pe site.

Detalii la tel.: 0746165813 si e-mail

Cine sustine cursul?

Detalii despre facilitator:
Cristiana Eltrayan – Terapeut Holistic,Autor& Public Speaker
Vezi profil aici:




(Prego usate il buttone TRANSLATE per Italiano -a destra su, sul site)

Maybe you have felt and experienced the depths and boons of spirituality, but how would it feel if you experienced it’s softness? How would you feel to have a life nourished by grace and support, where everything falls into place and things just flow in synchronicity and joy?

Arte Spirito – The Accademy of Art, Creativity and Consciousness and Cristiana Eltrayan are inviting you to an workshop that awakens your femininity, strength and inner beauty!

Come meet this gentle, beautiful, aspect of you, come join us to better understand your emotions and relationships, as well as the way you are relating to the physical, material side of your existence.

You learn more on:

how to connect with your Yin/feminine aspect, through lifestyle, food habits, mental attitude and day to day exercises;
types of meditation, physical exercises, aromatherapy, food therapy, types of music that help to connect more with your relaxed, creative, intuitive Self.
We’ll also have artistic moments of intuitive painting and meditative dance throughout the workshop.

developing your natural intuitive side,
activating your right brain hemisphere,
re-discovering your inner power;
opening yourself more to your natural artistic talents.
Also, if we were to look the other way around, the practice of art in any form sustains the activation of the right brain hemisphere, enhancing your creative, intuitive abilities.
As we all know, this is all a matter of frequency alignment and all it takes for most of us is realigning to this soft, gentle energy of femininity that is now flowing more and more on Earth.

This nourishing energy that’s holding and supporting us , offering everything we need in our life on Earth is encompassed inside us, too, as our Feminine, soft side, regardless of our masculine/ feminine body. As a harmonious spiritual life really occurs when we integrate and accept both our masculine and feminine aspects, merging them joyously into a harmonious manifestation.

When? Sept 9-10 2016:

Sept 9, 2016 – 8.30 pm: presentation and conference

Sept 10, 2016 – 10 am to 1.30 pm – workshop; 1.30 to 2.30 lunch break; 2.30 to 4 pm – workshop.

The ending hours are approximated, we’ll also tune in to the moment and adapt the schedule accordingly. After that you can book private sessions with Cristiana Eltrayan (not included in the workshop contribution/program).


Arte Spirito – L’Accademia di Arte, Creativita e Consapevolezza– Ananda – Italy; Via Montecchio, 61, 06025 Nocera Umbra- right next to Ananda Assisi (see map). Please let us know if you need directions on how to get there, as it’s about 15 km up hill from Assisi train station.

Who is holding the workshop?

Cristiana Eltrayan is a holistic therapist, author/artist and life coach practicing and teaching the Soul Healing therapy (Guarigione dall’Anima), deprogramming and reprogramming the subconscious and energy field for those tho want to let go of what doesn’t work in their lives and reach their maximum potential. Along the years, she has worked with hundreds of women helping them overcome their health issues, mental limitations and emotional tribulations and discover their femininity and sexuality to its fullest. The author of three personal and spiritual development books (one of them, “Your Harmony, Woman”, fully dedicated to femininity), she is also offering her insights in workshops, classes and conferences to spread forward this message of health, limitless power and feminine awakening.

How to participate?

Your contribution to this workshop is 50 E/56 USD.

To subscribe to the workshop your contribution is 50% of the total (25 E/ 28 USD). The rest will be sent one week before the workshop (by Sept 2 2016) . To subscribe just use the button below:

PayPal – The safer, easier way to pay online!

For full subscription (50 E /56 USD) please use this button:

PayPal – The safer, easier way to pay online!

We recommend relaxing clothes and maybe a jacket/shirt you can put paint on ?

Please contact eltrayan@soulhealing-holistictherapy for details and enquiries on this.

Presentation image: “Shakti” by Cristiana Eltrayan – a SoulHealing Art project.


Pranic Consciousness Conference – Pranic World Festival 2016


A live conference in Farbriano, Italy, held at the Pranic World Festival.
Theme: Pranic Consciousness – what it means, where it stems from, how to tune into it

Meditations on pranic consciousness and how to be nourished by it

Execercises on connecting to your divine essence and the divine pulse around you: nature, other people, whole environment, the Universe.

More on Pranic World festival 2016, here:
