Relationships, Intimacy & Kundalini – Online&Live Class Cristiana Eltrayan


The skills of mastering our energy, emotions and intimacy are crucial for harmonious coexistence.

Join us on 11.11 in Iasi (Romania) or online

In this LIVE& ONLINE class with Cristiana Eltrayan you learn about:

-how to have a better love life
-how to best communicate with your partner
-how to resolve intimacy issues
-how to break the walls of silence and have heart to heart communication
-how to feel closer to your partner again
-how to restore or jazz up your couple life

-how to circulate your energy for a calmer, more joyous and compassionate state
-how to relate to the one’s around you from a place of profound understanding and deep connection
– how to enhance your body’s limitless capacities
– how to get in touch with your body and acknowledge its messages
– how to preserve and enhance your vitality with a more refined food
– how to prevent and manage the issues that can appear when Kundalini awakens
– pranic nourishment possibilities
– how to have harmony in your couple and you intimate life
– the correlation between the nutrition, prana(chi/energy)and Kundalini


Prana is the energy of Life. Our efficiency,productivity and happiness depend on the way we manage this energy. Many things in life, from family/intimate life to work productivity,can be improved by changing the way we manage our nourishment and our vital energy, the two support pillars of our general health ad wellbeing.
Book your place to learn how to balance these two aspects and activate infinite innate capacities.

The class is now in video version so you can watch it any time

To sign up, make a donation of minimum 99 E let us know today on watsapp +40746165813
You can donate the amount at paypal
For Paypal select “pay to friends and family” to avoid comissions.
If you don’t use revolut or paypal write to us for alternative payment methods.
Write to us as soon as you’ve done this , to be included in the workshop

About the facilitator – Cristiana Eltrayan:
Motto: “Life transformations come from integrating our spiritual side and our souls’ choices into the social plane.”

Cristiana Eltrayan works as a therapist, international holistic speaker and author. Additionally, she often travels for opening and maintaining energy portals along the planet, following the planetary energy lines and also the cosmic rhythms. These endeavors are the result of the inner guidance that the author is receiving regarding these energy works.

Her workshops and classes have as a main theme the energetic nourishment, the Taoist emotional intelligence and pranic methods of healing and recalibration, converging to the consciousness of unity. She combines the ancient knowledge with the modern scientific discoveries, to bring a complex and complete picture on the unlimited nature of the human potential. Since 2009 she has been studying the Pranic nourishment (the possibility of being nourished by energy/chi/mana) and since 2013 she is offering lectures and classes on this subject.

As the founder of the Soul Healing Academy, she has created several projects, including the Pranic Consciousness Summit , the Pranic Festival in Romania, the Pranic Festival in India, the Energy in Harmony holistic educational program for children in schools and more than 14 charity and ecology campaigns called the It’s Better with Love .
She is applying the Soul Healing therapy for the following life aspects:

Love/couple relationships – healing emotional trauma, managing internal/external conflicts
Parent-children relationships – managing disagreements or disabilities
Family relationships- understanding and accepting family roles
Nutrition harmonization-finding the appropriate dietary lifestyle
Career-choosing the right profession
The relationship with oneself

Cristiana’s work experience:
Soul Healing therapy
ThetaHealing practitioner
Tao of Healing practitioner
Yoga stretching practitioner
Light and sound therapy
Pranic feeding practitioner
Therapeutic dance practitioner (Sacred dance for healing)
Angel therapy practitioner
Art Therapy practitioner
Creator of the volunteering project for children “Energy in Harmony” – held in schools – see the blog on Children relationship section

A great testimonial from our last class:

” I discovered that what you were teaching was always inside of me .

Thank you for such beautiful and delicate yet very natural way of teaching about our body parts. I felt like a child who finally got its first decent education here on the Earth!
With that last class I went trough a deep sexual thrauma healing. Thank you for that too ❤️” B. – England

” Dear Cristiana! Ive connected with you telephaticly with my questions. And you have had this class running for my highest benefits! I have no words to express my graditude. I will share more with you soon!
Thank you for showing up in my life !” M. J. – Sweden
“Cristiana Eltrayan is a beacon of light on this evolving planet and a warrior for the transformative magnitude of Love through each piece of information and every technique that she brings forth. Every single webinar, video, interview, or any other offering of hers that I have experienced has consistently brought me new, deeply useful and enlightening information. I literally feel my frequency rising through though each exposure to her work. This woman might indeed be a portal in an of herself… My deep gratitude and appreciation to her for all she stands for and all she continues to offer.”KS – California, USA

In acest curs inveti despre:
– corelatia intre nutritie si energia Kundalini(forta vitala)
– cum sa iti pastrezi vitalitatea si forta printr-o hrana mai rafinata
– cum sa preintampini si sa gestionezi problemele legate de energia Kundalini
– posibilitati nebanuite in hranirea cu prana
-cum sa pastrezi armonia in cuplu si in viata ta intima

Prana este energia vietii.
Felul cum gestionam aceasta energie dicteaza sanatatea si eficienta noastra. Multe lucruri in viata,de la cariera la viata de familie si productivitatea in lucru, pot fi imbunatatite prin schimbarea felului in care acumulam si gestionam nutritia si energia Kundalini.

Multe lucruri in viata,de la cariera la viata de familie si productivitatea in lucru, pot fi imbunatatite prin schimbarea modului in care acumulam si gestionam nutritia si energia vitala, cei doi stalpi de sustinere ai starii noastre generale.
Vino sa inveti cum sa echilibrezi aceste doua aspecte si sa iti activezi capacitatile interioare nebanuite.

Despre Cristiana Eltrayan :
Cristiana Eltrayan, facilitatoarea cursului, a calatorit în toată lumea participând la workshop-uri și conferințe pe această temă, a studiat și practicat metodele de hrănire și vindecare cu lumină în ultimii 9 ani și a creat mai multe proiecte de informare și educare pe această temă: Pranic Consciousness Summit, o platforma online unde peste 22 de specialiști în domeniu susțin conferințe pe tema nutriției pranice; Pranic Festival în România, o întrunire ajunsă la a 4-a ediție care cooptează speakeri din toată lumea specializați în această practică, Pranic Festival in India, in Martie 3-8 și carțile Darkroom Retreat și The Pranic World Book, in care explică experiențele proprii și cercetările ei pe aceasta temă.
În prezent, Cristiana susține conferințe și sesiuni terapeutice pe tema nutriției și vindecării pranice în mai multe țări din lume și se ocupă cu ajutarea celor interesați în a înțelege această paradigmă.


Live streaming pe 11.11, la 8 pm

Poti sa urmezi cursul oricand, in format video.

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Feedback dupa cursul din 2 Februarie la Medias :

“”A cunoaște – nseamna iarna,
a iubi e primăvară…” spune Lucian Blaga într-o frumoasa poezie despre primăvara.
În 02.02.2020, zi cu încărcătură energetica deosebita, a venit primăvara și la Mediaș, ne – a intrat în suflete și a promis ca nu va mai pleca…
Curs magic, într-o zi magica, cu Cristiana și oameni dragi, în care am descoperit noi valente ale iubirii de sine.
” A iubi – aceasta vine
tare de departe-mine.
A iubi – aceasta vine
tare de departe – tine…
Înc-o data, iar și iară,
a iubi e primăvară.” E.A. – Medias

” Minunat spus. ❤️❤️❤️
Cuvintele noastre sunt inutile. Tot ce am simtit a fost deja exprimat de Alice. Ii Multumesc Cristianei, ii multumesc Alicei si le multumesc si celorlalti oameni dragi si minunati, alaturi de care am trait o experienta minunata. Va iubesc si va imbratisez🤗” D. J. – Medias
