The Light Body&The Way of The Immortals Class- Curs Corpul de Lumina si Calea Nemuritorilor


English translation below. All classes are translated in English and Romanian

Pe 3.2,22, orele 6-9 pm ne intalnim la Brasov, la un curs intensiv de crestere a vibratiei pranice. Tema pe care o abordam: AMPLIFICAREA CORPULUI DE LUMINA SI CALEA NEMURITORILOR.

Cursul este sustinut de Cristiana Eltrayan (click pe link pentru a afla despre ea) si cuprinde practici concrete, dar si parte teoretica despre amplificarea energiei si vitalitatii, reintinerire, longevitate,hranire cu lumina.

Cristiana Eltrayan, facilitatoarea cursului, a calatorit în toată lumea participând la workshop-uri și conferințe pe această temă, a studiat și practicat metodele de hrănire și vindecare cu lumină în ultimii 9 ani și a creat mai multe proiecte de informare și educare pe această temă: Pranic Consciousness Summit, o platforma online unde peste 45 de specialiști în domeniu susțin conferințe pe tema nutriției pranice; Pranic Festival în România, o întrunire ajunsă la a 7-a ediție care cooptează speakeri din toată lumea specializați în această practică, Festivalul Pranic din India, Festivalul Pranic Online și carțile Darkroom Retreat și The Pranic World Book, in care explică experiențele proprii și cercetările ei pe aceasta temă.
În prezent, Cristiana susține conferințe și sesiuni terapeutice pe tema nutriției și vindecării pranice în mai multe țări din lume și se ocupă cu ajutarea celor interesați în a înțelege această paradigmă.

Tot în cadrul evenimentului găsiți în exclusivitate Cartea Lumii Pranice(de Cristiana Eltrayan), în variantă tiparită, în premieră în Romania. Cartea se găsește acum doar pe Amazon:


3.2.22, orele 6-9 pm


Brasov, locatia este anuntata prin email participantilor.

Cum te inscrii?

Pentru inscrieri se achita un avans de 50% in contul PayPal Difereta se achita pana la 2.2.22 . Daca nu ai Paypal scrie-ne la si iti trimitem un cont bancar pentru inscriere.

Suma totala este 100E/pers.

Copiii sub 12 ani sunt si ei bineveniti si au gratuitate.

Te poti inscrie aici:

Feedback de la cursuri similare :

“A fost magic!!!!Cred .ca a fost .ca o noua zi de nastere!Sunt alt om dupa acea zi.Multumesc cu recunostinta! Salut cu plecaciune si multumesc cu recunostinta pe Cel Ce Esti pentru darurile pe care le-am primit.M-am TREZIT dupa un somn adanc, in care spiritul Tau, al stramosilor mei si al neamului meu romanesc m -au invaluit cu pace si armonie.Multe generatii si multe suflete intrupate sau neintrupate m-au indrumat sa vin la intalnire cu Cel Ce Sunt si ma simt binecuvantata.Stiu .ca mersul in lume ma va mai scoate din aceasta stare ,dar sper sa revin cat mai des si sa nu mai plec din Casa inimii mele.”

“Parca nu mai sunt eu. …cursul cu tine a fost cat ani de studiu si experimentari.Am primit si primesc in continuare raspunsuri.Ma simt ghidata si binecuvantata. Multumesc ca existi.” E.A.-Medias

“Draga Cristiana, îți multumesc încă o data pentru cursul minunat și pentru binecuvantarile primite prin tine. Deși m-am considerat întotdeauna o persoana iubitoare, pot sa spun ca după curs, simt ca iubesc altfel, mai mult. Nici nu prea știu cum sa explic in cuvinte.
Am avut și o mare surpriza. De un an și jumătate iau lecții de pian. Mi-a fost foarte greu, pentru ca nu reușeam sa cant cu amândouă mâinile. Repetam o luna un cântecel și tot nu reușeam…
La prima ora după curs, am avut surpriza sa constat ca puteam sa cant cu ușurintă cântecele învățate. Mai mult, am învățat doua cântece noi. Și asta se întâmpla după o pauza de o luna in care nu am atins pianul. Nu am alta explicație pentru ce s-a întâmplat, decât ca s-a schimbat ceva in mine la curs. Îți multumesc. Abia astept sa ne vedem pe 10 februarie. ” V.J.- Medias

“A fost magic!!!!Cred .ca a fost .ca o noua zi de nastere!Sunt alt om dupa acea zi.Multumesc cu recunostinta! Salut cu plecaciune si multumesc cu recunostinta pe Cel Ce Esti pentru darurile pe care le-am primit.M-am TREZIT dupa un somn adanc, in care spiritul Tau, al stramosilor mei si al neamului meu romanesc m -au invaluit cu pace si armonie.Multe generatii si multe suflete intrupate sau neintrupate m-au indrumat sa vin la intalnire cu Cel Ce Sunt si ma simt binecuvantata.Stiu .ca mersul in lume ma va mai scoate din aceasta stare ,dar sper sa revin cat mai des si sa nu mai plec din Casa inimii mele.”

“Parca nu mai sunt eu. …cursul cu tine a fost cat ani de studiu si experimentari.Am primit si primesc in continuare raspunsuri.Ma simt ghidata si binecuvantata. Multumesc ca existi.” E.A.-Medias

“Draga Cristiana, îți multumesc încă o data pentru cursul minunat și pentru binecuvantarile primite prin tine. Deși m-am considerat întotdeauna o persoana iubitoare, pot sa spun ca după curs, simt ca iubesc altfel, mai mult. Nici nu prea știu cum sa explic in cuvinte.
Am avut și o mare surpriza. De un an și jumătate iau lecții de pian. Mi-a fost foarte greu, pentru ca nu reușeam sa cant cu amândouă mâinile. Repetam o luna un cântecel și tot nu reușeam…
La prima ora după curs, am avut surpriza sa constat ca puteam sa cant cu ușurintă cântecele învățate. Mai mult, am învățat doua cântece noi. Și asta se întâmpla după o pauza de o luna in care nu am atins pianul. Nu am alta explicație pentru ce s-a întâmplat, decât ca s-a schimbat ceva in mine la curs. Îți multumesc. Abia astept sa ne vedem pe 10 februarie. ” V.J.- Medias

Te poti inscrie aici:

Cei interesati pot participa si la conferinta  AMPLIFICAREA CORPULUI DE LUMINA SI CALEA NEMURITORILOR, pe 2.2.22 (click pe titlu pentru detalii) si retreatul HRANIREA CU LUMINA- DETOX & PRANA

Îți place tema ? Dă like și share pentru a-ți ajuta prietenii să afle despre asta. Multumim!


If you feel that you are going through a new stage of your evolution, if you feel more sensitive, more impacted by the surrounding energy and more sensitive to certain foods, sounds, types of music / work environments, then this course teaches you to manage and enhance the qualities that are now developing to you by amplifying the body of light. It also teaches you how to use energy to heal yourself and others, rejuvenize and to harmonize your relationships. The body of light is your divine nature and here you learn how to get in touch with it.

With the increasingly powerful waves of energy that bathe our planet, new states of consciousness are accessible to people.
One of the results of these states of consciousness is that we need another type of food, which is getting easier and the frequency of the physical body is becoming even more elevated.
As a result, many of us become more sensitive, more empathetic and sometimes more sensitive to the environment we live in.

How do we handle this harmoniously?

In this course we present down-to-earth, simple energy-intensive techniques and practices, awareness and nourishment of the body of light, increasing the energy frequency for your own good and others.
Currently, thousands of people, from holistic therapists to business people and scientists, have adopted these methods for health and harmony.

Cristiana Eltrayan, facilitator of the course, traveled throughout the world attending workshops and conferences on the subject, studied and practiced the methods of feeding and healing with light in the last 9 years and created several information and education projects on the subject : Pranic Consciousness Summit, an online platform where over 45 specialists in the field hold conferences on pranic nutrition; Pranic Festival in Romania, a meeting of the 7th edition that co-opted speakers from all over the world who specialize in this practice, Pranic Festival in India, Pranic Festival Online, and the Darkroom Retreat and The Pranic World Book, explaining their own experiences and research on the subject.
Currently, Cristiana holds conferences and therapeutic sessions on prana nurishment and healing in several countries around the world and is helping people interested in understanding this paradigm.

When? Where?

3.2.22, 6-9 pm, in Brasov, Romania

Also, at the event you find the book The Pranic World Book (by Cristiana Eltrayan), printed for the first time in Romania. The book is now only available on Amazon:

Registration is done according to the details here:

Contact: Write us and give you all the details on how to participate. For emergency use watsapp +40746165813.


Feedback from the course “CULTIVATING THE BODY OF LIGHT” :
“It was magical !!!! I think it was a new birthday! I am another man after that day. Thanks with gratitude! I greet you with pleasure and thank you gratefully for Whom You Are and for the gifts I have received. I woke up after a deep sleep, in which your spirit, my ancestors and my Romanian inheritance were enveloping me with peace and harmony . Many generations and many embodied or unembodied souls have led me to come to the meeting with Who I am and I feel blessed. I know that walking in the world will take me out of this state, but I hope to come back as often as I can and not I’m leaving my House of My Heart. ”

“It feels like I am no longer who I used to be…The course with you has been years of study and experimentation. I received and keep receiving further answers. I feel guided and blessed. Thank you. EA-Medias

Participation in the course – 100 E

Do you like the theme? Give and share to help your friends know about it. Thank you!

You can also participate to the CULTIVATING THE BODY OF LIGHT CONFERENCE, on 2.2.22 , and the LIGHT NOURISHMENT RETREAT – DETOX & PRANA, Feb 4-6. 22

In August  join the Pranic Festival in Romania





Pranic Art Retreat in Romania – October 29th-31st

Come play with us crafting your own art/clothing while meditating and relaxing during the Pranic Art Retreat in Romania
We share about:
– crafting your own hand painted clothes
– how to activate your creative skills
-heal yourself
– deepening your meditation
– becoming more peaceful, more intuitive
– having better relationships
-manifestation & materialization
using meditative art, during the Pranic Art Retreat in Romania, October 29th – 31st

 …and because it is a pranic retreat (teaching you how to master your energy) you also learn:

– how to stay connected to the Universe & your Higher Self

-how to reconnect with your soul and  your intuition

– how to detox and re-charge your internal organs;
– how to connect to nature’s elements for more energy/chi/prana;
– how to efficiently extract the energy from your food;
– how to listen to your body to choose the right foods;
– how to overcome the cravings;
– how to have a lighter diet and use your energy more efficiently
-…and much more.
We have daily exercises of energization and meditation, Chi Kung, other forms of conscious moving.

Optional activities (fun stuff):

– visiting ancient places with the abundance and lusciousness of old times;
– nature hikes in one of the places with a very special energy in Romania ;
….and whatever else brings joy and cheerfulness.

The retreat is held at a magical sacred site near Brancoveanu Monastery (Sambata de Sus, Brasov). In our free time we visit special places and we charge up with the energy of some special vortexes of Romania
How to book your place
(only 4 rooms available)


For adults over 22 of age: 333 E  FOR 3 days or  111E per day (accommodation & 2 liquid meals included).

For teens and students (between 12 and 22): 222E  for 3 days or 88E per day (accommodation & 2 liquid meals included*).

For children** under 12:  Entrance is free. Only 20 E/day for accommodation & & 2 liquid meals

If you need a sigle room please add 60 E to the retreat fee, according to your age.

Only 4 rooms available in total so make sure you book asap to get priority

The retreat costs include:

  •  accommodation*
  • daily meditation, artwork and portal connecting exercises with Cristiana Eltrayan – Holistic Therapist, Speaker & Author;
  • energizing moments in highly vibrational places;
  • optional meditative dance activities
  • full translated English and Romanian guidance about all the places we visit (should there be visitors from other countries we’ll see how we manage translations; our guide is able to also provide guidance in French and Italian).

* To help you detox and get accustomed with pranic lifestyle and liquid diet, we include natural juice/smoothie for breakfast and vegan soup for dinner. Should you choose to add solid food to your menu,  the food management is up to you. This retreat recommends light liquid meals (juices, smoothies, teas and soups). If necessary you can have vegan food. All our retreats are recommending no meat diet

** Transportation is not included, according to the number of participants we will share transportation costs between participants. 

To book your place now please use this link to make your reservation deposit of 188E per retreat or pay the full fee of 333E. Select FRIENDS &FAMILY with paypal payment to avoid commissions.

The rest of the tour fee is to be payed one week before the tour date (by October 28th ).


Make sure you bring comfortable and also warm winter clothes, hiking shoes and gloves + cap, as the weather can get really cold. The trip might include 2 to 3 h of walks/mild hiking, so make sure your health and tonus are up to that.

Featured image: Chakra meditation in the Redwoods by Laura Iverson

Upgrade Your Energy with Eltrayan & Team

    Let me take you on a journey
    Of consciousness
    Through your life patterns
    For an ultimate upgrade
    Come join me in the ENERGY UPGRADE RETREAT- June 10-12 – in the mountains of Romania
    6 places left

    We have prepared this retreat to help you have a lighter, healthier body at this time of transformation.

During this retreat you learn:

-how to reconnect with your soul and  your intuition

– how to work, energize and heal yourself with sacred sites

– how to re-charge yourself and remove blockages with the power of natural elements

– how to detox and re-charge your internal organs;
– how to connect to nature’s elements for more energy/chi/prana;
– how to efficiently extract the energy from your food;
– how to listen to your body to choose the right foods;
– how to overcome the cravings;
– how to have a lighter diet and use your energy more efficiently
-…and much more.
We have daily exercises of energization and meditation, Chi Kung, other forms of conscious moving.

Optional activities (fun stuff):

– cacao ceremony & extatic dance

– visiting ancient places with the abundance and lusciousness of old times;
– nature hikes in one of the places with a very special energy in Romania ;
….and whatever else brings joy and cheerfulness.

June 10-12 th, 2022

To book your place and room send 555 euros at either paypal or an account that we send if you don’t have PayPal. Write to us at for other payment methods.

SHARING IS CARING discount: you get 10%off for each friend you bring

Couples discount: bring a partner or a loved one and get discount – 888 E for 2 people (444 E each)

Students discount : if you’re under 22 and studying you only pay 333 E( you get 222 E discount)

Children have free participation to the retreat activities:  they are welcome over the age of 3 up to 12 years of age . Accommodation, however, is 18E/night for children

Book your place now and complete your booking by May 25th as we only have 6 places open for this exclusive retreat.

You can order additional services (not included in the retreat cost);
– juices and vegetarian/vegan meals;
– private one-on-one sessions with Cristiana Eltrayan.

Cristiana Eltrayan, the facilitator of this retreat, has travelled all over the world, giving workshops and conferences on this topic. She has studied and practiced the methods of pranic nourishment and healing for the past 12 years and has created many projects to inform and educate on this subject: The Pranic Consciousness Summit, an online platform with more than 45 specialists in pranic nutrition; The Pranic Festival in Romania, a gathering that has reached it’s 5th year now, gathering people from all ofer the world that are specialized in pranic nourishment and detox ; and The Pranic World Book, in which she explains her own experiences and research on this topic.
Presently, Cristiana holds conferences and healing sessions in several countries of the world and also helps those interested in this subject, individually.
Simti ca alimentatia ta de pana acum a lasat urme grele in corpul tau si ai nevoie de o gura de…verde?
Am pregatit acest retreat pentru tine ca sa te ajutam sa ai corpul mai usor si mai sanatos in aceasta perioada de transformare.  Pregateste-te pentru acest nou ciclu cu 3 zile de detox si re-energizare(prana) alaturi de Cristiana Eltrayan.
In acest retreat afli:

–  cum sa te reconectezi cu sufletul tau si cu intuitiata

– cum sa iti detoxifici si reincarci organele interne;
– cum sa te conectezi cu natura si elementele ei pentru mai multa energie (prana)
– cum sa extragi eficient energia din alimente;
– cum sa iti asculti corpul pentru a alege alimentele potrivite si a “invinge” poftele alimentare;
– cum sa te hranesti mai usor si sa folosesti energia interioara eficient;
– ….si multe altele.
Zilnic avem practici de energizare si utilizare a pranei (chi/energie/mana), meditatii, Chi Kung, alte forme de miscare constienta.

Activitati optionale suplimentare(fun stuff):
– ceremonie de cacao si dans extatic

– vizitarea de locuri energetice stravechi si somptuoase cu abundenta si fastul altor timpuri
– meditatii intr-unul dintre locurile cu o energie speciala;
…si orice altceva aduce voie buna
Rezervarea si confirmarile se fac pana la 5 Mai ,deoarece pana la acea data retinem camerele.

Rezerva-ti locul trimitand 555E la paypal sau scrie-ne la pentru alte metode de plata.

Discount SHARING IS CARING: Primesti 10% pentru fiecare prieten pe care îl aduci

Discount CUPLU: daca vii cu persoana iubita plătiți 888E in total (444 E fiecare) 

Discount studenti: pentru studenți până în 22 ani se achita doar 222E

Copiii până în 12 ani au gratuitate la activitățile retreatului, se achita doar 18E/zi pentru cazare daca ocupa un loc separat în camera dubla

Cristiana Eltrayan, facilitatoarea cursului, a calatorit în toată lumea participând la workshop-uri și conferințe pe această temă, a studiat și practicat metodele de hrănire și vindecare cu lumină în ultimii 12 ani și a creat mai multe proiecte de informare și educare pe această temă: Pranic Consciousness Summit, o platforma online unde peste 45 de specialiști în domeniu susțin conferințe pe tema nutriției pranice; Pranic Festival în România, o întrunire ajunsă la a 6-a ediție care cooptează speakeri din toată lumea specializați în această practică, Pranic Festival in India, și carțile Darkroom Retreat și The Pranic World Book, in care explică experiențele proprii și cercetările ei pe aceasta temă.

În prezent, Cristiana susține conferințe și sesiuni terapeutice pe tema nutriției și vindecării pranice în mai multe țări din lume și se ocupă cu ajutarea celor interesați în a înțelege această paradigmă.


Prana & Healing Sound Equinox Retreat at Bali Vortexes


Come renew yourself for this autumn Equinox at the Balinese sacred sites with two powerful healers & Pranic women: Cristiana Eltrayan & Naida Luna!

Do you feel that your body is shifting, needing less food, and that you need a mouthful of…green?

We have prepared this retreat to help you have a lighter, healthier body at the beginning of autumn. When Nature moves into a new cycle, the human body has its own rhythm of re-charge and energisation. Prepare yourself in advance, for this new cycle, with 4 days of detox and re-energising with Cristiana Eltrayan and Naida Luna.

During this retreat you learn:
– how to detox and re-charge your internal organs;
– how to connect to nature’s elements for more energy/chi/prana;

– how to work with sacred sites/pranic vortexes in nature’s cycles
– how to efficiently extract the energy from your food;
– how to listen to your body to choose the right foods;
– how to overcome the cravings;
– how to have a lighter diet and use your energy more efficiently
– hoe to be your own doctor
-…and much more.

We light up the physical body with a liquid diet that allows us to tune in easier with our infinite resource, tapping into the Pranic Consciousness.
We energise with:

– daily Qigong

– sacred sound

– emotional detox

– meditation

– lectures

– Crystal Sound Activation

– excursions to sacred sites recognised as Planetary Vortexes.
To all this add the exquisite taste of ocean and volcanic sand that fills your body with pure, pristine Prana every day.
We will have fun by the pool, visiting the local culture, sharing with likeminded people.


Space are limited, book your spot on this space shuttle now!
BOOKING AND INFO @ Tel: 0746 165 813


Retreat costs is 777E for September 20-23

*Special price of 888E for one more day to tune in and integrate(stay until September 24 instead of September 23)

To book and secure your place you send 50‰ now and the rest of 50% by September 13.

For payment you can use PayPal at this link. If you don’t have PayPal write to us at and we send you bank account details.

The amount includes:
-occupancy in single room with ocean view
-taxi from the airport
-healthy delicious juices and soups
-1 massage
-exclusive use of the pool
-daily Qigong

– sacred sound

– emotional detox,

– meditation

– lectures
-Crystal Sound activation
-visit to the sacred volcano (with guide)
-visit to the temple
-balinese cleansing ceremony
-sunset meditation on a fisherboat

Possibility for shared rooms at smaller price

The facilitators:

Naida Luna:
Cristiana Eltrayan:

The location: Balila Beach Resort


How To Have More Energy In Our Bodies – Free Energy Resources (Cannes)


People focus daily on external sources of energy: the best coffee, the strongest energizer, maybe the next love episode with their partner…And when these run off, they feel depleted and they need more.

What if you could be more energized without all these external sources? We’re not saying you have to give them all up, we’re just pointing out  an endless source of energy that could make you feel jazzed-up, focused and powerful every day.

With increasingly powerful waves of energy that rock our planet, new states of consciousness are accessible to people.

One of the results of these states of consciousness is that we need another kind of food, our diet is getting lighter. This is the explanation for the increasing trends towards vegetarianism, veganism, raw foods. This is also the explanation of food intolerances and more and more widespread diseases now.

In this conference we present new possibilities of feeding and healing ourselves by conscious energy / chi / prana. Currently, thousands of people, from holistic therapists to business people and scientists, have adopted these methods for health and harmony.

“Since ancient times, Egyptian, Taoist, and Hindu traditions have spoken of a source of energy – chi, prana, mana – an energy that can nourish and heal us. Being nourished by light does not necessarily mean total renunciation of physical food, but accessing a more advanced state of consciousness. People from all over the world – from Yogis and Taoist masters to Tesla and other scientists – have practiced this. ” says Cristiana Eltrayan.

Cristiana Eltrayan, facilitator of the workshop, travelled around the world attending congresses and conferences on the subject, studied and practiced the methods of nourishing and healing with energy in the past 9 years and created several informational and educational projects on the subject : Pranic Consciousness Summit, an online platform where over 25 specialists in this field hold conferences on pranic nutrition; Pranic Festival in Romania, a meeting in it’s 3rd edition with speakers from all over the world who specialize in this practice. She has also  written books on this theme-Darkroom Retreat and The Pranic World Book-explaining Cristiana’s experiences and research on the subject.

Currently, Cristiana holds conferences and therapeutic sessions on pranic nourishment and healing in many countries around the world and is helping those who are interested in understanding this paradigm.

Here’s more information about Cristiana Eltrayan and her work:

Also in the event you can find the book The Pranic World Book (by Cristiana Eltrayan) in the printed version in premiere in France & Monaco.

The book is now also on Amazon:

When: Friday,May 17th.

Time : 5-9 pm

Location: Cannes;

address will bw announced to the subscribers

Cost: Early Bird Special €60 . Offer lasts until May 16th, then €80.  Book your seat by using this link

Cristiana will be offering healings on 14th ,15th, 16th ,17 and 18 May.

Look at her link .Special package for workshop attendees:

Soul Healing session,the therapy work: “Cristiana Eltrayan’s therapy sessions – live or on Skype – address people who want a real change in their lives and are ready for it.You can start with the level that is bugging you the most (be it couple, family,career or sexuality) and eventually it all leads to a powerful evolution of the soul, through the therapy process.

During the session you discover exactly how you create you reality and how to shift the areas in your life that are not going well. You become conscious of your manifestation and learn to manifest the outcomes you desire, by being in harmony with the universal flow and with the people around you. You learn what are the limiting patterns in your mind, but also the blockages in your auric field and body. You begin each session with an energy clearing and recalibration and leave each session with powerful tools and recipes to improve your thought patterns, emotional and physical harmony, including: mindfulness tips and exercises, aromatherapy remedies, herbal remedies, physical exercise recommendation (tailored for you), crystals and other remedies that you can use to maximize your potential.

Each healing session lasts for 1.30 to 3 hours, so be prepared for a relaxing “energetic spa for the mind and soul”.

More details here:


Free Energy Unveiled – The Pranic World – Cannes


 Free Energy Unveiled – The Pranic World with Cristiana Eltrayan , Founder of the Soul Healing Academy – Conference May 16, Cannes

People focus daily on external sources of energy: the best coffee, the strongest energizer, maybe the next sex episode with their partner…And when these run off, they feel depleted and they need more.

What if you could be more energized without all these external sources?

What if you had a way to be energized,focused, productive and relaxed, without using all these external energizers that eventually might harm your body?

We’re not saying you have to give them all up, we’re just pointing out  an endless source of energy that could make you feel jazzed-up, focused and powerful every day.

Have you heard of people that are nourished by light/chi/energy?

Come meet for an open event where you can ask questions, share experiences and be with like-minded people who are interested in the free energy journey, as well as in a lighter diet.

About Cristiana Eltrayan:

Cristiana is an exceptional  Pranic Healer, International Holistic Speaker , Author and organiser of Global Pranic Festivals with top healers from around the world. She has worked with top scientists  and physicists for several years researching “Prana”  and worked extensively  with Prana  on herself and many clients . For the past decade she has  participated in all the Pranic Festivals,  held open talks with  Pranic people  and arranged  the online Pranic Consciousness Summit . Cristiana has just launched  her latest book “ The Pranic World Book” and holds workshops on this topic.

About the event:

It is an event that reveals the secrets of living on light (pranic nourishment) from many different perspectives, unveiling the mysteries and the scientific proof of the body’s ability to use energy as nourishment.

This event gives clear answers to your questions regarding this possibility, from a holistic, as well as a scientific perspective, combining the journeys and the experience of all the people that we’ve met on this path.

When: Thursday, May 16th.

Time : 7- 9 pm

Cost: Early Bird Special €20 . Offer lasts until May 14, then €25. Book your seat by using this link

This talk is a prelude to Christiana’s  workshop that she holds on May 17:

HOW TO HAVE MORE ENERGY IN YOUR BODIES- FREE ENERGY  SOURCES (click on photo for details on the workshop):

With increasingly powerful waves of energy that rock our planet, new states of consciousness are accessible to people.

One of the results of these states of consciousness is that we need another kind of food, our diet is getting lighter. This is the explanation for the increasing trends towards vegetarianism, veganism, raw foods. This is also the explanation of food intolerances and more and more widespread diseases now.

In this workshop we present new possibilities of feeding and healing ourselves by conscious energy / chi / prana.

We also give you the tools and practiced to use at home to feel more energized, focused, productive and relaxed.

During this workshop you will have the direct experience of free energy through exercises and meditation techniques that Cristiana will practice with you.

Currently, thousands of people, from holistic therapists to business people and scientists, have adopted these methods for health and harmony.

“Since ancient times, Egyptian, Taoist, and Hindu traditions have spoken of a source of energy – chi, prana, mana – an energy that can nourish and heal us. Being nourished by light does not necessarily mean total renunciation of physical food, but accessing a more advanced state of consciousness. People from all over the world – from Yogis and Taoist masters to Tesla and other scientists – have practiced this. ” says Cristiana Eltrayan.

Cristiana Eltrayan, facilitator of the workshop, travelled around the world attending congresses and conferences on the subject, studied and practiced the methods of nourishing and healing with energy in the past 9 years and created several informational and educational projects on the subject : Pranic Consciousness Summit, an online platform where over 25 specialists in this field hold conferences on pranic nutrition; Pranic Festival in Romania, a meeting in it’s 3rd edition with speakers from all over the world who specialize in this practice. She has also  written books on this theme-Darkroom Retreat and The Pranic World Book-explaining Cristiana’s experiences and research on the subject.

Currently, Cristiana holds conferences and therapeutic sessions on pranic nourishment and healing in many countries around the world and is helping those who are interested in understanding this paradigm.

Here’s more information about Cristiana Eltrayan and her work:

Also in the event you can find the book The Pranic World Book (by Cristiana Eltrayan) in the printed version in premiere in France & Monaco.

The book is now also on Amazon:

When: Friday, May 17.

Time : 6 pm- 9pm

Cost: Early Bird Special €60 . Offer lasts until May 16th, then €80. 

Cristiana will be offering healings on 14th ,15th, 16th ,17 and 18 May.

Look at her link .Special package for workshop attendees:

Soul Healing session,the therapy work: “Cristiana Eltrayan’s therapy sessions – live or on Skype – address people who want a real change in their lives and are ready for it.You can start with the level that is bugging you the most (be it couple, family,career or sexuality) and eventually it all leads to a powerful evolution of the soul, through the therapy process.

During the session you discover exactly how you create you reality and how to shift the areas in your life that are not going well. You become conscious of your manifestation and learn to manifest the outcomes you desire, by being in harmony with the universal flow and with the people around you. You learn what are the limiting patterns in your mind, but also the blockages in your auric field and body. You begin each session with an energy clearing and recalibration and leave each session with powerful tools and recipes to improve your thought patterns, emotional and physical harmony, including: mindfulness tips and exercises, aromatherapy remedies, herbal remedies, physical exercise recommendation (tailored for you), crystals and other remedies that you can use to maximize your potential.

Each healing session lasts for 1.30 to 3 hours, so be prepared for a relaxing “energetic spa for the mind and soul”.

More details here:


True Intimacy Unveiled – Relationships & Tantra – Cristiana Eltrayan

Most couples do not just suffer from an unfulfilled sexual life; most suffer from a profound lack of intimacy and connection. This is the main cause that breaks the magick between two people.
True intimacy starts way beyond the bedroom and continues way after. True intimacy is not something you DO, it is a state of BEING that develops between two people.
Come learn the secrets of intimacy and connection in a profound, mesmerising interactive workshop with Cristiana Eltrayan.
Come learn to cast your fears away and open up to a new perspective on relationships and Tantra.
Come learn simple steps to fulfilled relationships and extatic love.
Romania:May 12, 3-7 pm – Medias
Nice,France:May 19 – 2-6  pm
How to book your place?
Book your place here:
 If you don;t have a paypal account, write to us and we send you the details of a bank account.
Who is holding the workshop?
Cristiana Eltrayan, the facilitator of this retreat, has travelled all over the world, giving workshops and conferences on this topic. She has studied and practiced the methods of pranic nourishment and healing for the past 9 years and has created many projects to inform and educate on this subject: The Pranic Consciousness Summit, an online platform with more than 29 specialists in pranic nutrition; The Pranic Festival in Romania, a gathering that has reached it’s third year now, gathering people from all ofer the world that are specialized in pranic nourishment and detox ; and The Pranic World Book, in which she explains her own exoeriences and research on this topic.
Presently, Cristiana holds conferences and healing sessions in several countries of the world and also helps those interested in this subject, individually.
La plupart des couples ne souffrent pas seulement d’une vie sexuelle non remplie; la plupart souffrent d’un manque profond d’intimité et de connexion. C’est la cause principale qui rompt la magie entre deux personnes.
La véritable intimité commence bien au-delà de la chambre et se poursuit bien après. La véritable intimité n’est pas quelque chose que vous FAITES, c’est un état d’ÊTRE qui se développe entre deux personnes.
Venez apprendre les secrets de l’intimité et de la connexion dans un atelier interactif profond et fascinant avec Cristiana Eltrayan.
Venez apprendre à rejeter vos peurs et à vous ouvrir à une nouvelle perspective des relations et du tantra.
Venez apprendre des étapes simples pour des relations épanouies et un amour extatique.
Dimanche 19 mai de 14h à 18h
Fleur de Vie06, 3 rue Malonat vieux NICE
Pour participer il faut annoncer ici et envoyer 50% de la taxe de participation:
Tel:06 60 47 54 41
Cristiana ELTRAYAN, le guide de cet workshop, a parcouru le monde entier pour donner des ateliers et des conférences sur ce sujet. Elle a étudié et pratiqué les méthodes de nutrition et de guérison pranique au cours des 9 dernières années et a créé de nombreux projets pour informer sur ce sujet. Le Sommet de la conscience pranique, est aussi une plate-forme en ligne avec plus de 29 spécialistes en nutrition pranique. Le festival pranique en Roumanie, c’est aussi un rassemblement qui rentre dans sa troisième année d’existence et qui rassemble des personnalités du monde entier spécialisées dans l’alimentation et la désintoxication praniques. Auteur du « The Pranic World Book », dans lequel elle explique ses propres expériences et recherches sur ce sujet.
Actuellement, Cristiana presente des conférences et des séances de guérison dans plusieurs pays du monde et aide également les personnes intéressées par ce sujet, individuellement.
“L’amour appartient à l’infini comme l’infini appartient à l’amour.” Lorsque vous aimez, vous êtes infini … n’essayez pas de diviser ou de séparer l’infini. C’est l’un des côtés de cet accord qui fait de vous une victime ou un agresseur. Aucun oiseau ne peut voler avec une seule aile. Ajustez l’équilibre entre l’intérieur et l’extérieur et laissez l’amour être votre vol. Ce vol vous permettra de vous élever au-dessus du vol. .
Il s’agit du ca dans le cours de Tantra aujourd’hui … du vol …. Merci Cristiana, merci à ceux qui ont participé physiquement mais aussi à ceux qui étaient avec nous. “E.A.-Testimonial après le cours VRAIE INTIMITE DEVOILEE, chez Medias.
Cele mai multe cupluri nu sufera doar din cauza unei vieti sexuale neimplinite; majoritatea sufera de lipsa profunda a intimitatii si conexiunii. Asta este principala cauza care intrerupe magia dintre doi oameni.
Adevarata intimitate incepe cu mult inainte de a ajunge in dormitor si se continua cu mult dupa. Adevarata intimitate nu este ceva ce FACI, ci este o stare care se dezvolta intre doi oameni.
Vino sa afli secretele intimitatii si conexiunii intr-un workshop interactiv, profund si impresionant, sustinut de Cristiana Etrayan.
Vino sa inveti sa iti lasi deoparte temerile si sa te deschizi spre o noua perspectiva despre relatii si Tantra.
Vino sa descoperi pasii simpli spre relatii mai fericite si spre iubirea extatica.
Duminica, 12 mai orele 3-7 pm
Cum te inscrii?
Inscrie-te aici:
 Daca nu ai cont PayPal, scrie-ne si iti trimitem un cont bancar pentru inscriere.
Cine sustine workshop-ul?
Cristiana Eltrayan, facilitatoarea cursului, a calatorit în toată lumea participând la workshop-uri și conferințe pe această temă, a studiat și practicat metodele de hrănire și vindecare cu lumină în ultimii 9 ani și a creat mai multe proiecte de informare și educare pe această temă: Pranic Consciousness Summit, o platforma online unde peste 29 de specialiști în domeniu susțin conferințe pe tema nutriției pranice; Pranic Festival în România, o întrunire ajunsă la a 3-a ediție care cooptează speakeri din toată lumea specializați în această practică, și carțile Darkroom Retreat și The Pranic World Book, in care explică experiențele proprii și cercetările ei pe aceasta temă.
În prezent, Cristiana susține conferințe și sesiuni terapeutice pe tema nutriției și vindecării pranice în mai multe țări din lume și se ocupă cu ajutarea celor interesați în a înțelege această paradigmă.
Testimonial dupa cursul cu aceeasi tema:
“Iubirea aparține infinitului asa cum infinitul aparține iubirii. Când iubești ești infinit…nu încerca să împărți sau sa separi infinitul. Nu ai cum.Cand intri în ocean ești una cu oceanul. Înțelepciunea consta în a înțelege ca tu aparții oceanului și oceanul îți aparține. O singura latura a acestei înțelegeri te ca transforma în victima sau agresor. Nicio pasăre nu poate sa zboare cu o singură aripă. Fa echilibru între interior și exterior și lasă iubirea sa fie al tău zbor. Acest zbor te va ridica deasupra zborului.
Cam despre asta a fost vorba la cursul de Tantra de astăzi…. Despre zbor…. Mulțumesc Cristiana, mulțumesc celor care au participat fizic dar și celor care au fost cu sufletul alături de noi. 🤗” E.A.-Testimonial dupa cursul ADEVARATA INTIMITATE, la Medias.
Vezi extras din curs,aici:

Easter Retreat/Retreat de Paste – The Christed Essence

Come rest on Easter in the life-filled energy of the Bucegi mountains.
Come feel the Christed waves of love with us, with meditations and visits in powerful energy places, that open new paths for you.
Come celebrate this moment of re-birth in a sacred space with like-minded, light-hearted people.
We meditate, we visit power places in nature, we learn to work with energy vortexes and to travel through portals, with light beings and good vibes.
April 26-29, 2019
Busteni, ROmania (book your flight to Bucharest and it’s easy to get to us from there)
Who is holding spce for this retreat?
Cristiana Eltrayan, the facilitator of this retreat, has travelled all over the world, giving workshops and conferences on this topic. She has studied and practiced the methods of pranic nourishment and healing for the past 9 years and has created many projects to inform and educate on this subject: The Pranic Consciousness Summit, an online platform with more than 29 specialists in pranic nutrition; The Pranic Festival in Romania, a gathering that has reached it’s third year now, gathering people from all ofer the world that are specialized in pranic nourishment and detox ; and The Pranic World Book, in which she explains her own exoeriences and research on this topic.
Presently, Cristiana holds conferences and healing sessions in several countries of the world and also helps those interested in this subject, individually.
Those interested in her work can also join the AMPLIFYING THE BODY OF LIGHT CLASS-April 21:
How to join in?
The retreat is 333 E/person in a double shared room (room included) or 433 E/person in a single room.
You can subscribe by sending a 50% installment before April 6, to book your place and room, and the rest of the amount by April 25.
For details or payment plan please contact
Vino sa te odihnesti de Paste in energia plina de viata a muntilor din Busteni.
Vino sa simti valurile de iubire Cristica alaturi de noi, in meditatii si plimbari la locuri energetice puternice,care iti deschid noi drumuri.
Vino si sarbatoreste acest moment al re-invierii, intr-un spatiu sacru si cu oameni pe aceeasi lungime de unda.
Meditam, vizitam locuri de putere, ne conectam la energia Cristica si gridul Cristic planetar, invatam sa lucram cu vortexuri de energie si sa calatorim in portaluri, cu fiinte de lumina.
26-29 Aprilie 2019
Busteni (adresa va fi specificata celor care se inscriu)
Cine sustine retreat-ul?
Cristiana Eltrayan, the facilitator of this retreat, has travelled all over the world, giving workshops and conferences on this topic. She has studied and practiced the methods of pranic nourishment and healing for the past 9 years and has created many projects to inform and educate on this subject: The Pranic Consciousness Summit, an online platform with more than 29 specialists in pranic nutrition; The Pranic Festival in Romania, a gathering that has reached it’s third year now, gathering people from all ofer the world that are specialized in pranic nourishment and detox ; and The Pranic World Book, in which she explains her own exoeriences and research on this topic.
Presently, Cristiana holds conferences and healing sessions in several countries of the world and also helps those interested in this subject, individually.
Those interested in her work can also join the AMPLIFYING THE BODY OF LIGHT CLASS-April 21:
Cum te inscrii?
Pentru participare se achita 333 E/persoana  in camera dubla, cu un coleg de camera (cazare inclusa), sau 433 E/persoana in camera single.
Inscrierile se fac trimitand un avans de 50% pana la 6 aprilie si diferenta pana pe 25 aprilie. Pentru detalii sau un mod de plata diferit contactati

Sphinx Day Retreat – Meditation & Portal Opening

Each year in November , hundreds of people gather in meditation and prayer at the Romanian Sphinx, to witness the presence of a pyramid of light that is surrounding the area.
Some say they have been healed,some say they had powerful revelations, some even say they’ve been monitored and followed by unidentified flying objects that seemed to have lights at their base (see pictures below). Either way ,the Romanian Sphinx is a powerful place as it is, and this event makes the area even more magical.
We are now preparing a joint meditation, with Cristiana Eltrayan & team, to connect to these energies and enhance them all over the planet.
“As you know, this has been my work for some years now and it is a joy to bring together more light workers into this.” says Cristiana Eltrayan.
We’re going to have a 2 days Retreat for this (November 28-29, 2018) to connect and work with this wonderful energy.

Come bask with us in the energies of the beautiful mountains in Romania. Come join a retreat full of sacredness and fun, where we visit some of the most powerful energy vortexes in Romania (and also some of the most powerful in the world). Come connect with the Romanian Sphinx, Egyptian Sphinx and the mysterious caves and waterfalls of this amazing country, in a 2 day retreat with Cristiana Eltrayan.
Meditation, Chi Kung and portal opening initiations are part of this amazing journey, as well as story-telling and a deep immersion in this Land of Gods, where ancient civilizations have left traces of their wisdom and power that are still inspiring and astounding us to this day.
We’ll share about these ancient civilizations and their workings,as well as the connection with other power places in the world.
Meditation with Cristiana Eltrayan, portal opening and many exercises are available during the tour.
Book your place and room by November 22, using paypal : Total amount: 222 E (includes 2 nights in a double shared room). For single room: 255 E.
All previous participants to THE TRIP OF THE SUN have a 33% discount (Amount to send: 170 E)
  •  accomodation*
  • daily meditation and portal connecting exercises with Cristiana Eltrayan – Holistic Therapist, Speaker & Author;
  • energizing moments in highly vibrational places;
  • full translated English and Romanian guidance about all the places we visit (should there be visitors from other countries we manage translations; our guide is able to also provide guidance in French and Italian).

* Some accomodation might include breakfast. Yet, depending on the group type and accomodation type, the food management may be up to you.

** Transportation is not included, according to the number of participants we will share transportation costs between participants. 

For more information please contact: +4 0746 165 813 or e-mail



Make sure you bring comfortable and also warm (winter) clothes, hiking shoes and umbrella/rain coat, as the weather can get really cold. The trip includes 2 to 5 h of mild hiking daily, so make sure your health and tonus are up to that.


The Trip Of The Sun – September 2018



Dear friends,

We invite you to this beautiful sacred energetic tour to some of the most important energy centers in Romania, right after the Pranic Festival.
 As we have worked with and enjoyed these beautiful sacred places, we felt called to now form a group of those familiar to these activities who feel called to come recharge and tune into more energy portals in the mountains.
Daily meditation with Cristiana Eltrayan, portal opening and many exercises are available during the tour.
The tour is imprinted by the energies of Isis, Magdalene, Mother Mary and other sacred divine beings working with and protecting these places.We will travel through amazing mountain areas of Romania and visit pilgrimage places an sacred sits with beautiful energy portals in Transilvania.

Along the road we tune in to the beautiful energies, find out more about the Pre-Christian Sun worshiping places we visit and the history of an ancient magic civilization that is connected to the greatest sacred civilizations of the world. See short video here: 

Continue reading “The Trip Of The Sun – September 2018”
