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On December 22-24, 2017, in Italy, we are presenting the Soul Healing Retreat with a conference and class that help you add value to your spiritual & therapeutic practice. You learn how to practice the Soul Healing technique with yourself and with others. If you’re a therapist or light-worker of any kind, Soul Healing is definitely adding gold to your activity!
Also, during the retreat we visit the splendid Sun Grottoes, beautiful ancient places with a gentle feminine energy of support and nourishment.
This retreat is for you:
- if you’re a therapist/light worker and you wish to find easier, more efficient methods of healing;
- if you’re a doctor/physician and you look for alternative healing methods;
- if you’re a psychologist/psychiatrist and you want to go beyond the traditional therapy;
- if you’re a meditator/yoga teacher and you’re opened to new ways to go deeper within yourself and with your students;
- if you’re a spiritual teacher and you’re passionate about the Alpha-Theta state and instant healing;
- if you’re a patient of various other therapies and you haven’t found the aimes results yet;
- if you’re interested in living on Prana and want to maintain the Alpha-Theta state longer plus learn how to re-program your system;
- if you’re just curious of new, spiritual healing methods.
Cristiana Eltrayan, international speaker, certified therapist and author, the creator of the Soul Healing Therapy and facilitator of this gathering, says:
“With Soul Healing we literally go to to the root cause of the problem, we find the basic programs that have generated (that can even be in other lifetimes) and we extract and replace the programs from all the levels of one’s being: basic level (things learned from your tutors/school), the genetic level(things picked up from your family), the historical one (things that you’ve learned from your people/country), and the soul level (things learned from your soul’s journeys in other lifetimes or planetary systems). We also extract the program from all timelines, space and dimensions where you might have manifested it/picked it up. Once we’ve extracted the basic program, we undo it and replace it with a more beneficial programming that we integrate it on all the levels of one’s being (physical,emotional, mental, and energetic level). So, it’s deep, long lasting work, almost like an energetic surgery. Which basically means that we first take the garbage out of the carpet, throw it away, clean the carpet and only after doing all that we bring the lamp and the luxurious plant to redecorate the home.
The Alpha-Theta state allows both me and my client to stay very alert and conscious throughout the talk so that we go to more profound layers of the problem, and also deeper layers of consciousness about how it manifested. And the answers to the questions we make also come from that deeper level of consciousness, which is generally far more profound than the one someone has in the day to day life ( I strongly believe that you cannot solve a problem from the same level of consciousness where it has been created: you have to go beyond that level to find the solution). Then, once we found the root cause, we extract and replace the programs that have generated it. As we operate the program from all the levels of one’s being, the genetic imprints, the country imprints, but also those learnt in schools and soul’s journeys, it’s like a general cleaning, on all timelines and in all the lifetimes where that program might have occured . We therefore make sure that there are no further manifestation of that program in the person’s life.
At the end of the session we give him methods for “maintaining his house clean”: recorded guided meditations, detox methods, nutritional advice, emotional recalibration techniques and so on. ” Cristiana Eltrayan
In this retreat you learn:
- a ground breaking, amazing results, healing method;
- new ways of maintaining the Alpha-Theta state during the therapeutic work and day-to-day life;
- clear, simple energy clearing exercises;
- new ways of working with the subconscious and cellular memory;
- the stages of the mind and how the energy imprints are stored;
- how to efficiently reprogram a human system on all levels;
- the levels of a human system and ho to recalibrate it;
- simple energy detox methods to go with your therapy sessions.
During this class we’ll be having profound meditations, one-on-one example sessions, hands-on techniques that will help you be more efficient in your work and spread more healing with your therapy sessions… and lots of relaxation and fun!
Location: Bracciano, Rome, Italy
Join us in this beautiful pitoresque area of Italy. It literally allows us to bask in the traditional Italian spirit and beauty, with fabulous ancient sites merging with modern architecture.
Friday, December 22, 2017: 7-9 pm – Conference with Cristiana Eltrayan. Entrance fee: 10 E
Saturday, December 23, 2017:
10 am-1 pm – : Class: Intro,meditation, methods of going deep, Soul connection techniques
1 pm- 2 pm – Lunch break
2 pm – 6 pm – Class: Discussing specific cases & Practice
Sunday, December 24, 2017:
10 am-1 pm – Visit and meditation to the Sun Grottoes
Class:Discussing specific cases & Practice
2 pm – 8 pm -Individual Healing Sessions the possibility to book individual sessions with Cristiana Eltrayan (Not included in class tuition).
About the facilitator – Cristiana Eltrayan
Motto: “Life transformations come from integrating our spiritual side and our souls’ choices into the social plane.”
Cristiana Eltrayan works as a therapist, international holistic speaker and author. Additionally, she often travels for opening and maintaining energy portals along the planet, following the planetary energy lines and also the cosmic rhythms. These endeavors are the result of the inner guidance that the author is receiving regarding these energy works.
Her workshops and classes have as a main theme the energetic nourishment, the Taoist emotional intelligence and pranic methods of healing and recalibration, converging to the consciousness of unity. She combines the ancient knowledge with the modern scientific discoveries, to bring a complex and complete picture on the unlimited nature of the human potential. Since 2009 she has been studying the Pranic nourishment (the possibility of being nourished by energy/chi/mana) and since 2013 she is offering lectures and classes on this subject.
With her work of the Soul Healing Accademy, she has created several projects, including the Pranic Consciousness Summit , the Pranic Festival in Romania, the Energy in Harmony holistic educational program for children in schools and more than 14 charity and ecology campaigns called the It’s Better with Love .
She is applying the Soul Healing therapy for the following life aspects:
- Love/couple relationships – healing emotional trauma, managing internal/external conflicts
- Parent-children relationships – managing disagreements or disabilities
- Family relationships- understanding and accepting family roles
- Nutrition harmonization-finding the appropriate dietary lifestyle
- Career-choosing the right profession
- The relationship with oneself
- Spirituality
- Soul Healing therapy
- ThetaHealing practitioner
- Tao of Healing practitioner
- Yoga practitioner
- Light and sound therapy
- Pranic feeding practitioner (vegan-fruitarian)
- Therapeutic dance practitioner (Sacred dance for healing)
- Angel therapy practitioner
- Art Therapy practitioner
- Over 14 years in working with people in professions like:
- Soul Healing Therapist
- Creator of the volunteering project for children “Energy in Harmony” – held in schools – see the blog on Children relationship section
- General manager of her own events company
- Sales and marketing manager in event organizing field
Certificates & Trainings :
- Basic DNA & Advanced DNA Therapist Certificate la THINK –Theta Healing Institute of Knowledge
- Peace Ambassador la The Embassy of Peace (Holistic Training Organization)
- Personal Development Counsellor through the Education Ministry
- Honor Certificate as a Woman’s Accademy Specialist
- Nutrition Specialist through Education Ministry
- Peace Ambassadors Training la The Embassy of Peace 2014-2015
- Pranic Healing and Biofield Harmonization Training (Darkroom Retreat – Thailand) – 2013
- Holistic healing and energy bio-field programming training – „Biofield Technician – Biofield harmonization and programming, Mind – Self Empowerment Academy (Assisi Italy) 2013
- Theta Healing Basic and Advanced DNA Course – March – June 2012
- Holistic healing and energy bio-field programming training – Self Empowerment Academy – 2011
- Pranic Healing, Meditation, Nutrition, Mind Programming, Angelic Healing, Light Color Healing, Channeling, Personal and global energy healing – Self Empowerment Academy – 2010
How to book:
*The conference is free for those who subscribe to the class prior to December 15 2017.
For those who don’t attend the class, the Soul Healing Conference of December 15, 2017, is 10 E/person*. Use for payment, let us know via e-mail that you wish to participate and you’re in!
The attendance contribution for the Soul Healing Class of December 16-17, 2017 is 333 E/355 USD** .
Book your place to the Soul Healing Therapy & Class by sending $ 200 via Paypal at The rest of the amount is to be sent one week prior to the beginning (by December 15, 2017).
For more info or a payment plan email us at
The class fee is not refundable.
**To book a room at the venue of the training or a B&B close by, please contact us. The price for a place in a shared double room is between 40 E or 48 $/night/person(depending on the room type and location). The location also offers exquisite bio and vegetarian cuisine, home-made traditional products and a variety of luscious fruits to indulge in…
Contact us
Call us for questions: +40746-165-813
Write to us for questions:
“Hi Cristiana, two weeks have passed without medication and I thought of writing to you! I will come again for counselling. I thank you and I am profoundly grateful to you!”
R.C. – Iasi – about the Soul Healing session
“I was late with my exercises bot I am now recovering. So, dear Cristiana, I really had work to do and I feel that I am in a much better energy flux. Your teachings are very useful! Thank you!”
C. G.- Bucharest
“Dear Cristiana, I Thank you for all that you’ve given me and I really had a super state after, I have a feeling of love for the woman I am, and it’s as if my physical heart is filled,too! I sense that many good changes are coming in my life.”
I.C. – Iasi
“I want to thank you for the session. What helped me the most is the meditation that has fed me with Mother Earth’s love. I’ve always felt a connection with God, but no connection with the Earth. I now understand a lot, I needed healing and acceptance in the relationship with Mother.”
A.A. – Ireland – about the Soul Healing session
“I am very fond of the fact that you give us many keys for the daily life. I am so grateful to have subscribed to this program (The Luscious Lifestyles Program), it is one of the most wonderful things that have hapened to me lasly. I have never had such an opportunity in my life! I thank God you exist, for opening our horizon so much!”
E.D. – Iasi
AM. A. – Bucuresti