While the global situation seems to be marked by the doom and gloom, there’s and underlying layer of full expansion and evolution for those who are ready for it.
There’s a energy portal opening up these days (April 4’th & 5th especially), with huge swirls of energy coming in to help humanity evolve past the current situation. It is a matter of choice weather we allign to it or resist it, the latter is much harder, though 🙂
We Are Evolving Towards Crystalline Consciousness – Pranic Consciousness
The Earth’s geomagnetic field is changing, and changing fast. The Earth’s heartbeat, the Schumann resonance is said to be increasing by some knowledgeable geophysicists. The dawn of the new crystalline age and the Ascension progression has been discussed within the context of the new 144 Crystalline Grid and its relevance to the Harmonic Convergence of 1987, the Cosmic Trigger of the triple dates, and the anticipated new firmament. Continue reading “We Are Evolving Towards Crystalline Consciousness – Pranic Consciousness”