Living With More Light


A beautiful interview for the Lightanrung Congress with Cristiana Eltrayan.

For taking the Pranic Consciousness Class with Cristiana Eltrayan, go to this link:
For contact data and booking conferences&workshps with Cristiana in your country, contact data is here:


Darkroom Technology, Bigu and Sexual Alchemy – Mantak Chia & Cristiana Eltrayan


A beautiful talk with Mantak Chia and Cristiana Eltrayan, on the benefits of Darkroom, Bigu(energy fasting and sexual alchemy:

Cristiana Eltrayan offers couselling for before and after darkroom retreats.

For more details on the Pranic Festival in Romania, please visit this link:

For details on Darkroom retreat with Mantak Chia, visit his website:

For inner alchemy practice for women, visit:

For inner alchemy practice for men, visit:


Our DNA Can Be Reprogrammed By Words And Frequencies


Russian scientists have shown that our DNA can actually be reprogrammed by words and certain frequencies. According to scientists, only 10% of our DNA is being used for building proteins. It is this subset of DNA where researchers are pointing their investigations to, their plan is to review and classify it again and they hope to learn something very interesting in the process. Continue reading “Our DNA Can Be Reprogrammed By Words And Frequencies”


We Are Evolving Towards Crystalline Consciousness – Pranic Consciousness


The Earth’s geomagnetic field is changing, and changing fast.  The Earth’s heartbeat, the Schumann resonance is said to be increasing by some knowledgeable geophysicists.  The dawn of the new crystalline age and the Ascension progression has been discussed within the context of the new 144 Crystalline Grid and its relevance to the Harmonic Convergence of 1987, the Cosmic Trigger of the triple dates, and the anticipated new firmament.  Continue reading “We Are Evolving Towards Crystalline Consciousness – Pranic Consciousness”


The Taoist Emotional Intelligence with Cristiana Eltrayan


This is a conference of the Pranic Festival in Romania 2017, with Cristiana Eltrayan.
You learn how to master your emotions and trace the source of them in your body:detoxing methods, inner awareness and taoist practices for that. See the connection between prana and healing, learn to channel it for each internal organ. Cristiana Eltrayan talks about the inner smile, the microcosmic orbit and shares a brief meditation with this.

Continue reading “The Taoist Emotional Intelligence with Cristiana Eltrayan”
