While the global situation seems to be marked by the doom and gloom, there’s and underlying layer of full expansion and evolution for those who are ready for it.
There’s a energy portal opening up these days (April 4’th & 5th especially), with huge swirls of energy coming in to help humanity evolve past the current situation. It is a matter of choice weather we allign to it or resist it, the latter is much harder, though 🙂
The DNA of The Divine – A Time of Great Potential and Power
Beloveds, we would just say something about the frequency and power of the incoming cycle and the next two years. At this time you will “closing off” a cycle of spiritual growth and transformation that began in 1999 and culminates in 2021. This is the Archetypal Journey of the Seeker as it was known to the ancients, following a pathway of symbols that released their power and wisdom to those whose hearts and souls were open to the process. Continue reading “The DNA of The Divine – A Time of Great Potential and Power”
Evolutionary Leaps And DNA Changes – Lion’s Gate Opening and Total Solar Eclipse
Dear friends, we’re glad transmit some of the extraordinary news about the cosmic, planetary and inter-national changes, at the energetic but also physical level, that we are now experiencing. Continue reading “Evolutionary Leaps And DNA Changes – Lion’s Gate Opening and Total Solar Eclipse”