Dear friends, we’re glad transmit some of the extraordinary news about the cosmic, planetary and inter-national changes, at the energetic but also physical level, that we are now experiencing. Continue reading “Evolutionary Leaps And DNA Changes – Lion’s Gate Opening and Total Solar Eclipse”
We are helped! Lionsgate, Lunar Eclipse and Solar Eclipse – August 2017
August is a turning point month that is going to bring rapid growth and change. From August onwards, time is going to feel like its moving faster and we are all really going to be guided to leave the past in the past.
August is also a month of ascension and awakenings, so it is likely that we are all going to be able to advance our consciousness, or our spiritual understanding in some way. Often when awakenings or ascension first happens it can feel like a shock and sometimes we need time to process this new way of being. Continue reading “We are helped! Lionsgate, Lunar Eclipse and Solar Eclipse – August 2017”