We Are Evolving Towards Crystalline Consciousness – Pranic Consciousness


The Earth’s geomagnetic field is changing, and changing fast.  The Earth’s heartbeat, the Schumann resonance is said to be increasing by some knowledgeable geophysicists.  The dawn of the new crystalline age and the Ascension progression has been discussed within the context of the new 144 Crystalline Grid and its relevance to the Harmonic Convergence of 1987, the Cosmic Trigger of the triple dates, and the anticipated new firmament.  Continue reading “We Are Evolving Towards Crystalline Consciousness – Pranic Consciousness”


The Taoist Emotional Intelligence with Cristiana Eltrayan


This is a conference of the Pranic Festival in Romania 2017, with Cristiana Eltrayan.
You learn how to master your emotions and trace the source of them in your body:detoxing methods, inner awareness and taoist practices for that. See the connection between prana and healing, learn to channel it for each internal organ. Cristiana Eltrayan talks about the inner smile, the microcosmic orbit and shares a brief meditation with this.

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An “unaccounted source” of energy nourishing the body? Science says yes


At the end of the 19th century, Wilbur Atwater and Francis Benedict allegedly found evidence that the human metabolism essentially is the same as combustion in inorganic nature. Nearly hundred years later, their studies were replicated in the 1970s and 1980s with better instruments and measuring methods and suddenly the almighty Calorie Theory became flawed and even disproved.
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Chi/Prana – The Energy That Nourishes Us All


The Chi energy, or you may call it Prana, Orgon, Mana, or „Light“, surrounds us everywhere. Also in the absence of visible light, it enters our body. So every human being is living to a certain degree on „light“, meaning with this direct Chi assimilation.In China the mysterious energy of life is called Chi.  Chi is used in acupuncture and martial arts and shows very real effects. Continue reading “Chi/Prana – The Energy That Nourishes Us All”


Pranic Nourishment & Grace



During the past seven years I’ve been diving deeper in a paradigm that is strange to some: the possibility of living without hunger; the possibility of being nourished by prana, that is.

In 2010 I attended a workshop in Romania, some hundreds of people have gathered together to listen to a lady that was introducing them to the paradigm of being nourished by Chi. Some friends called e over and the paradigm seemed instantly known to me. I found it normal. Continue reading “Pranic Nourishment & Grace”
