In the below video Victor Truviano presents a secret pranayama technique that he has received in meditation. Due to his state of consciousness,Victor is nourished by prana, without the need of taking physical food, since more than 9 years ago.
He anually participates in retreats and festivals, as well as the encounters of the yoga masters in India,where he is always invited. Victor also holds a Meditation Retreat in Romania, Nov 29-Dec.1, 2019. Victor is one of the speakers at the Pranic Festival in Romania (August 15-19).You can book your place for the meditation retreat with Victor Truviano, here.
Victor Truviano sustine un retreat de meditatie la Busteni, in perioada 29 nov-1 dec., 2019.Datorita starii sale inalte de constiiinta, Victor se hraneste cu prana,fara nevoia de a consuma hrana fizica sau lichide, de peste 9 ani si participa anual la retreaturi si festivaluri in toata lumea, precum si la intalnirile maestrilor indieni. El este unul dintre profesorii care participa si la Festivalul Pranic din Romania(august 15-19, 2020).Va puteti inscrie la retreatul de la Busteni, aici.