The Chi energy, or you may call it Prana, Orgon, Mana, or „Light“, surrounds us everywhere. Also in the absence of visible light, it enters our body. So every human being is living to a certain degree on „light“, meaning with this direct Chi assimilation.In China the mysterious energy of life is called Chi. Chi is used in acupuncture and martial arts and shows very real effects. Continue reading “Chi/Prana – The Energy That Nourishes Us All”
Pranic Detox Methods – Part 1
As I traveled to many countries in many days, being a speaker in all the pranic gatherings around the world, today I am beginning to write about the wonders of these journeys. This is the beginning of the Pranic World Book and soon it will be ready for printing as many adventures have gathered in my heart. I wish you all benefit from these writings , as my heart pours into them.
Pranic Processes and End Results
The idea that after a pranic process (be it 8 days, 9 days, 11 days, 21 days), without a preliminary action, you will be completely immersed in the pranic state,without the need physical food again, is twisted by default. This can only happen to some – those who have alligned their bodies to this pranic state through lifestyle, detox and practice, BEFORE the process itself. Continue reading “Pranic Processes and End Results”
What Are The Benefits Of Water Fasting? Michael Klaper, M.D.
In this lecture, Dr. Michael Klaper discusses the critical importance of gut bacteria, how water fasting can cure various health issues, but also underlines the differences between water and juice fasting, as well as being nourished by smoothies.
He also explains why after 3 days of fasting you’re not hungry anymore!
Continue reading “What Are The Benefits Of Water Fasting? Michael Klaper, M.D.”
Dear friends, am happy to announce that the next PRANIC FESTIVAL starts on August 11-15, 2018 in Romania!
We’re now planning a 5 day festival in a fabulous mountain area of Romania (Sambata de Sus), and also the possibility to visit other Romanian energetic areas (energy vortexes) after the festival. Continue reading “PRANIC FESTIVAL IN ROMANIA – AUGUST 2018”
Evolutionary Leaps And DNA Changes – Lion’s Gate Opening and Total Solar Eclipse
Dear friends, we’re glad transmit some of the extraordinary news about the cosmic, planetary and inter-national changes, at the energetic but also physical level, that we are now experiencing. Continue reading “Evolutionary Leaps And DNA Changes – Lion’s Gate Opening and Total Solar Eclipse”
We are helped! Lionsgate, Lunar Eclipse and Solar Eclipse – August 2017
August is a turning point month that is going to bring rapid growth and change. From August onwards, time is going to feel like its moving faster and we are all really going to be guided to leave the past in the past.
August is also a month of ascension and awakenings, so it is likely that we are all going to be able to advance our consciousness, or our spiritual understanding in some way. Often when awakenings or ascension first happens it can feel like a shock and sometimes we need time to process this new way of being. Continue reading “We are helped! Lionsgate, Lunar Eclipse and Solar Eclipse – August 2017”
The Science Behind Pranic Nourishment/Breatharianism
As we have met many people who are nourished by light/chi/prana to various degrees, and also practiced this lifestyle, we’re researching the possibility from the scientific perspective. Here’s what we’ve found:
<<8 weeks is considered the overall threshold for the average human’s ability to survive without food. There have been cases in human history where the time frame has been substantially shortened as well as lengthened tremendously. Continue reading “The Science Behind Pranic Nourishment/Breatharianism”
Pranic Nourishment – How To Keep It Safe
As we watch the play of pranic nourishment growing wider, going to mainstream media and mainstream science, we’re also watching the feed-back, as it grown stronger: scientists participating in pranic gatherings, mainstream media publications, like Nexus France (no 106 – pag. 54) and New York Post filling up full pages of interviews and information on prana; the Resonance Delegate online gathering starting with a talk on pranic nourishment; Nassim Haramein, renown scientist, going public about his pranic experience and research and so on. Continue reading “Pranic Nourishment – How To Keep It Safe”
Dalai Lama Bridges Science and Spirituality
<<“Broadly speaking, although there are some differences, I think Buddhist philosophy and Quantum Mechanics can shake hands on their view of the world. We can see in these great examples the fruits of human thinking. Regardless of the admiration we feel for these great thinkers, we should not lose sight of the fact that they were human beings just as we are.”
– The Dalai Lama (source) Continue reading “Dalai Lama Bridges Science and Spirituality”