My Pranic Journey – Cristiana Eltrayan – Pranic World Book


The previous chapter of the Pranic World Book has covered the pranic diversity subject, and how everyone is unique in this journey, having his own blueprint and path on this pranic life. The interviews I made for the Pranic Consciousness Summit, encompassing more than 20 pranic specialists, have proven that.  And for those of you who were wondering about my journey, well, my journey with prana has been weird, still, it’s interesting as a field of study. Continue reading “My Pranic Journey – Cristiana Eltrayan – Pranic World Book”


Pranic Divesity – How to Tap Into The Pranic Field


As I was writing about pranic detox methods in this previous article  (which is a fragment of the new Pranic World book that I’ve begun to write) we have to take care of each of our systems – spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical – to be able to maintain the pranic levels high. And I was sharing that there is no universal recipe for everyone each one has his own, unique, blueprint and patterns. There are, however a few common guidelines than can help one maintain his high pranic levels while dealing with the daily rhythm. Continue reading “Pranic Divesity – How to Tap Into The Pranic Field”


Pranic Processes and End Results


The idea that after a pranic process (be it 8 days, 9 days, 11 days, 21 days), without a preliminary action, you will be completely immersed in the pranic state,without the need physical food again, is twisted by default. This can only happen to some – those who have alligned their bodies to this pranic state through lifestyle, detox and practice, BEFORE the process itself. Continue reading “Pranic Processes and End Results”


Pranic Nourishment & Grace



During the past seven years I’ve been diving deeper in a paradigm that is strange to some: the possibility of living without hunger; the possibility of being nourished by prana, that is.

In 2010 I attended a workshop in Romania, some hundreds of people have gathered together to listen to a lady that was introducing them to the paradigm of being nourished by Chi. Some friends called e over and the paradigm seemed instantly known to me. I found it normal. Continue reading “Pranic Nourishment & Grace”


Meeting a pranic child


Daniel is a child who has been nourished by energy ever since he was a toddler. Here’s a fragment of our online meeting in the Pranic Consciousness Summit. We thank him and his family for the kindness of sharing some insights with us. 

His mother shared:

“Daniel is just a “regular” kid who decided to ride this path with the highest vibration spreading happiness and joy wherever he goes. At the age of 1 year old, when it was the time to start eating solid foods, he refused to accept it. At that moment we started a new journey visiting different doctors, energy healers and more (but always knowing inside that their son was ok), not getting any result from anyone and having the same answer always from Daniel: I do not need to eat, I’m ok!
As today, Daniel is a brilliant kid, with amazing results in his academic formation, extremely active and full of energy, a very successful sport kid and beyond happiness with the capacity to attract kids everywhere he goes.”

On this link you can join to watch all the other online meetings we had so far, more than 14 masters.
